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为了解女性NGU患者使用抗菌药物后继发外阴阴道念珠菌病 (VVC)的情况。方法 :对 1999年 10月~ 2 0 0 0年 6月的 15 3例证实为NGU、并排除真菌感染者在使用抗菌药物后 <10d ,10~ 19d ,2 0~ 2 9d ,≥ 30d分别进行阴道分泌物涂片及真菌培养 ,任意一项阳性为继发VVC。结果 :15 3例中 6 4例在使用抗菌药后发生VVC ,发生率为 4 1.8% ;VVC的发生以用药 10~ 19d间为最高 ,占 17.6 % ;引起VVC的真菌以白色念珠菌为主 ,占 79.7% (5 1/ 6 4 ) ;氧氟沙星、美满霉素、左氧氟沙星用药后的VVC发生率较高 ,分别为 5 4 .8% ,4 5 .8%和4 4 .0 %。结论 :提示女性NGU患者在使用抗菌药物治疗过程中VVC有较高的发生率 ,临床合理选用抗生素 ,在VVC高发时段可预防使用抗真菌药物 To understand the use of antimicrobial drugs in women with female genital candidiasis after vaginal candidiasis (VVC). Methods: A total of 15 3 cases confirmed as NGU between October 1999 and June 2000 were enrolled in this study. The patients with fungal infection were treated with antibiotics at 10 days, 10 days, 10 days, 20 days, 29 days, 30 days respectively. Vaginal discharge smear and fungal culture, any one of the positive for secondary VVC. Results: In 15 3 cases, 6 4 cases developed VVC after using antibacterials, the incidence rate was 4 1.8%. The incidence of VVC was the highest between 10 and 19 days, accounting for 17.6%. The main cause of VVC was Candida albicans , Accounting for 79.7% (51/64). The incidence of VVC after ofloxacin, minocycline and levofloxacin was 54.8%, 45.8% and 44.0% respectively, . Conclusion: It is suggested that there is a high incidence of VVC in women with NGU during the course of antimicrobial treatment. The rational use of antibiotics is clinically appropriate and antifungal drugs can be prevented during the period of high VVC
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