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再生障碍性贫血简称再障(AA),系多种原因引起的以造血干细胞数量减少和质的缺陷为主所致的造血障碍,导致红骨髓的总容量减少,代以脂肪髓,骨髓中无恶性细胞浸润无广泛网硬蛋白纤维增生,临床上以全血细胞减少为主要表现的一组综合征。按其严重度划分出严重型再障(SAA),划分标准须血像具备以下三项中的两项:①中性粒细胞<0.5×10~9/L;②血小板<20×10~9/L;③网织红细胞<1%,其绝对值<1.5×10~9/L。再生障碍性贫血病理机制的研究表明,多数AA的发病与免疫因素有关。目前免疫抑制治疗已成为AA的主要治疗措施之一,严重型再障的治疗以骨髓移植的疗效较好,但由于骨髓移植不仅要求要有合适的供髓者,还有年龄限制,加之骨髓移植费用昂贵,故在我国这种发展中国家骨髓移植难以广泛应用,而免疫抑制价格比骨髓移植低,且其有效率可以和骨髓移植相媲美,这就使得免疫 Aplastic anemia, referred to as aplastic anemia (AA), is a variety of causes caused by a decrease in the number of hematopoietic stem cells and qualitative defects mainly due to hematopoietic disorders, resulting in decreased total capacity of red bone marrow, replaced by fatty marrow, bone marrow Malignant cell infiltration without extensive mesh protein fibrosis, clinical pancytopenia as the main manifestation of a group of syndromes. Serious aplastic anemia (SAA) is divided according to the severity of the disease. Divided into two categories according to the following criteria: ① Neutrophils <0.5 × 10 ~ 9 / L; ② Platelets <20 × 10 ~ 9 / L; reticulocyte <1%, the absolute value of <1.5 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Aplastic anemia pathological mechanism of the study shows that the incidence of most AA and immune factors. Currently, immunosuppressive therapy has become one of the main treatment measures for AA. The treatment of severe aplastic anemia with bone marrow transplantation has a good curative effect. However, since bone marrow transplantation requires not only a suitable donor, but also age limits, combined with bone marrow transplantation Costly, it is difficult to widely apply bone marrow transplantation in China’s developing countries, while the immunosuppressive price is lower than bone marrow transplantation, and its efficiency can be comparable to bone marrow transplantation, which makes the immune
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高血压既是一种疾病 ,又是其它心血管疾病的独立危险因素。在我国有临界和确诊高血压病人近一亿 ,当收缩压持续高于 180mmHg与收缩压低于110mmHg人群相比 ,其患冠状动脉疾病
异山梨醇(Issorbide)是一个新型口服渗透剂,我们用于降低眼压,结果报告于后: 材料和方法用于各型青光眼包括充血型、单纯型、混合型、继发型共29例,57眼。其中男17例,女12例