The Use of the Functional Approach to Improve English Language Teaching Quality in Chinese Middle Sc

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  【Abstract】This paper describes the condition of ELT (English Language Teaching) in China, analyzes the problems in middle schools' English teaching methods then introduces F.A. (Functional Approach) and its applications. It presents the advantages and significance of F.A. by comparing F.A. with common approaches. The disadvantages and possible improvements are also discussed in the paper.
  【Key Words】F.AMiddle SchoolELT
  【中圖分类号】C41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1009-9646(2008)09(b)-0033-02
  1 Status of ELT in Chinese Middle School
  ELT is receiving more and more attentions. It is estimated that around 5,000,000 children are studying English at primary schools. Senior schools also give special attentions to English teaching.
  The Grammar Translation method and Direct Method were adopted for many years in ELT in China’s middle schools. Both of them have many defects. For example, the former ignores pronunciation and intonation and excessively emphasizes grammatical function in ELT, which makes it fails to catch the intrinsic aspect of language.
  New ideas are taking shapes during the last decade, along with the development of social Linguistics and Psycho-linguistics. Language is not only knowledge and skill, but also kinds of social stipulation of agreement. Learning and using language is treated as a psychological process. English learners are required to develop the ability to know not only when, where and how to use language, but also to what kind of people they might talk and when they should and when they should not say certain things. However, the use of language is often omitted in traditional methods.
  2 Functional & Communicative Approach
  To address the use of language, a F.A. is adopted, which is also named Functional or Communicative approach. It is from social Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and transform generative grammar.
  F.A. claims that English knowledge must be transformed into language skills by means of excessive practices. A new English course is developed according to it, which presents the language in meaningful contexts. And learners can use learn the function of language - communication. The teaching content is no longer arranged only according to the grammatical structures. The new course combines function and communications together with topics, phonetic, lexical and grammatical items.
  ELT quality improves when the functions and communications have been taken into account.
  3 Importance of F.A. for ELT quality
  F.A. combines the merits of social linguistics, psycholinguistics and transform generative grammar. It catches the intrinsic aspect of the language, function, and has incomparable superiority.
  How to use English and its function is China government’s English educational policy in 2004. Series of reforms have been made to improve ELT quality, including the introduction of new syllabus and F.A.
  The Syllabus is emphasizing the use of English and the test papers are also designed for the same purpose. Oral and listening tests become mandatory given the new syllabus. ELT is moving to aim at using language to express oneself and do communications.
  4 Advantages of F.A. (to improve ELT quality)
  F.A. has many advantages:
  It pays attention to the language's social ability and stipulates the consciousness of practicing;
  It helps to excite the students in learning and develop the sense of self-study;
  It emphasizes the students' initiative and interaction;
  It saves time and energy as far as mastering the whole language system is concerned;
  It imparts the proper skills for applying language.
  One of the biggest challenges in ELT is to raise students’ interests. F.A. can help on it. Studies show that students usually feel happy and will to express themselves when they were asked to practice with each other. F.A. follows this concept, emphasizes the use of language and helps to raise the interests by practicing and communicating more. It also helps to build up more intimate relations between teachers and students.
  F.A. provides language materials in situations that are closely related to students' lives, which makes it even easier to practice the use in the class. It introduces role playing, games, surveys and problem solving etc., to help turn the lessons into language functions which students can use in everyday life.
  F.A. is an organic combination of functions, notions, topic areas, phonetic, lexical and grammatical items, which is aligned with the changes in the new syllabus.
  Theorists used to believe that forming the language habit relied on correct imitation and great emphasis was put on accuracy. Whenever students made a mistake, the teacher will stop them and correct it. However, it turns out that the students will soon lose their interests and confidences. Nothing else could be done once students refused to open mouths.
  F.A. argues that learning English is a process from unfamiliar to familiar, from imperfection to perfection. It is suggest that teacher tolerate minor mistakes that do not affect verbal communication. A relaxed atmosphere, in which students can dispel fears and nervousness and use the language more confidently, is more important. Though it doesn't mean we can take a laissez-faire attitude towards students' mistakes. Error analysis and practices should be done in parallel.
  5 Conclusion & Prospect
  China's ELT is undertaking an overall reform in curriculum/syllabus design, textbook development, methodology research, training and exam systems. The purpose is to improve ELT quality to a satisfied level.
  It is generally accepted that the development of ELT is in a positive direction, though it cannot be an easy-journey, giving the difficulties ahead.
  F.A. plays an important role in helping improve ELT quality. It addresses the ELT quality matrix in critical dimensions, including study interest, efficiency and motivation to practice.
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作者简介:  高中毕业于成都树德中学,2011年高考总分位列四川省理科第二名,其中数学142分(总分150分),现在北京大学经济学类专业就读。  在整个高中的学习当中,我在数学方面曾遇到过许多问题,也遭遇过很多迷茫的时候。这些问题,很多都集中体现或者重现在高三的数学备考中,这一度曾让我非常沮丧。我知道,如果数学没有考好,任何一个同学都不会感到轻松。所以,我觉得有必要将我如何尽可能地把一度困扰我的问
虽然建校历史只有56年,但这并不妨碍电子科技大学成为中国电子信息工业类大学的“排头兵”。年轻的大学,一样可以充满无穷的魅力。她不但是首批国家“211工程”重点建设大学,也是国家“985工程”重点建设大学,更是“985工程”大学序列中唯一一所以电子科学技术为特色的大学。  翻开这所大学的校友花名册,许多熟悉而又陌生的名字映入眼帘:中国科学院院士李小文、总政治部副主任贾廷安上将、网易总裁丁磊、华为公司
“从前有棵树,叫高树,树上挂了很多人。”很多大学生常用这句话调侃让自己头痛的高等数学这门课。大学中的数学将不再是点、线,面那样直观,它有了更高层次的要求,它也在很多专业里扮演着举足轻重的角色。在这些专业里,数学得到了更多维的发展空间,少了以往的晦涩枯燥,变得更加丰富多彩!本文将告诉大家,专业有了数学的调和,它是这个样的……  数学与应用数学——未来社会的多面手  西南大学 黄月  她和我们结缘于幼
一份神圣的职业,稳定、丰厚的薪资待遇,让医疗行业成为令人向往的行业。而开设各类医学类专业的院校历年来,更为广大考生所青睐,而医学类专业也被入选“保持长期热门专业”行列,这从医学类院校和专业普遍较高的录取分数上可见一斑。本期,小编就将为大学盘点解读这些院校。  目前国内的医药类院校大体有四大类之分,第一种是全国性的老牌、知名医科大学(部分未冠名“医”“药”的大学不在本文介绍之列),建校早,历史悠久,
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