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经过几年的实践与探索,我们深深地体会到,办公室只有紧紧围绕着企业经济建设这个中心,在“观、听、思、达、谋”上下功夫,才能最大限度地发挥参谋助手的效能。 一、观。就是观察企业经济建设中不断出现的新情况、新问题。企业走向市场后,各种问题和矛盾层出不穷,这就要求秘书人员要勤于观察,善于观察,见微知著,当好领导的“千里眼”。观察要通过现象看事 After several years of practice and exploration, we have deeply realized that the office can only exert its utmost efforts on the concept of “viewing, listening, thinking, reaching, and seeking” to focus on the center of corporate economic construction. efficacy. First, view. It is the observation of new and emerging problems in the economic construction of enterprises. After the enterprises have entered the market, various problems and contradictions have emerged in an endless stream. This requires secretarial personnel to be diligent in observing, be good at observing, and see a little knowledge and be a good leader. Observing to see things through phenomena
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地下高压电缆的搬迁费用十分高昂,若采用原位保护则施工风险大,但投资小,且可确保施工工期。详细介绍了本地下高压电缆原位保护的工程设计,经实践证明是安全可靠的。 Underg
餐厅可以开在海底,也可以悬在空中;餐桌可以摆在床上面,也可以摆在监狱里。这世界总有一群异想天开的人,他们不按常理出牌,用奇特的方 The restaurant can be open to the s
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除了在课堂上学到的知识外,我更想获得更多的《新知》。每到课余时间,伴随着《书香飘飘》,我就会静下心来,细细地品读《悠悠语 In addition to the knowledge I learned in