突出三项工作 强化责任追究

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作为推行党风廉政建设责任制的试点单位,我市自1996年开始推行党风廉政建设责任制.三年的探索和实践使我们体会到,落实党风廉政建设责任制,必须强化责任追究.能不能追究,敢不敢追究,这是责任制能不能落到实处的关键.围绕责任追究这个重点,我们突出抓了三项工作.一是层层明确责任追究的内容.责任追究的具体内容有10条,包括两大类:一类是由于官僚主义和严重失职行为,导致直接管辖范围内发生重大案件,致使国家、集体资财和人民群众生命财产受到重大损失,或者产生恶劣影响,造成重大政治事件,引起群众大规模集体上访等,按《中国共产党纪律处分条例》的规定进行处理.另一类也是我们追究的重点内容,就是在党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争中没有认真履行职责,如不认真落实廉洁自律的有关规定,致使班子和队伍出现严重问题;发生重大案件 As a pilot unit for implementing the responsibility system for building a clean government and building a clean and honest government, the city has since 2006 launched the responsibility system for the building of a clean government and an honest and clean government. Three years of exploration and practice have made us realize that we must strengthen accountability in implementing the responsibility system for building a clean government. Can not be held accountable, dare not hold accountable, this is the responsibility system can not be implemented in the key around the responsibility to pursue this focus, we highlighted the three tasks .One is clearly the responsibility to investigate the content .Responsibility for the specific content There are 10 categories, including two categories: one is due to bureaucracy and serious misconduct, resulting in major cases within the immediate jurisdiction, resulting in national, collective assets and the people’s lives and property suffered heavy losses, or have a bad influence, resulting in significant Political incidents and arousing mass petitions of the masses are handled in accordance with the provisions of the “Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China.” The other is also the key point that we are investigating is that we failed to earnestly perform our duties in the party’s work style and in building a clean and honest administration and in fighting corruption, If we do not earnestly implement the relevant provisions of clean and self-discipline, resulting in serious problems in the team and the team; a major case occurred
只要你是中国人,无论你是谁,有一首歌,你必须站直了听。这首歌就是国歌——《义勇军进行曲》。  当雄壮的音乐响起,天安门城门徐徐打开,我们的国旗卫士列队走出的时候;当庄严的国歌响起,五星红旗冉冉升起的时候,逐渐地,和着音乐,一直回荡在人们中间的低唱变得响亮起来;“起来,起来,起来/我们万众一心……”《义勇军进行曲》响彻天安门广场的上空。每个人的脸上都写满了庄严,每个人的眼中都充满了热爱,五星红旗在人
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