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   Many of the world’s top soccer players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, will be wearing shirts made of old plastic bottles at the World Cup in South Africa.
   Nike said shirts for the nine national teams wearing its gear, including one of the favourites Brazil, would be made from polyester recycled from used bottles. Each shirt would use up to eight plastic bottles retrieved from Japanese and Taiwanese landfill sites.
   All of the nine teams, who also include Portugal, Netherlands and the United States, will wear the shirts.
   Nike says they will keep players drier and cooler than previous kit while reducing energy consumption in manufacture by 30 percent compared to normal polyester.
   Manufacture of the shirts, which will also be sold to fans, used 13 million plastic bottles—enough to fill 29 football pitches—the U.S. company said in a media release. The bottles were melted to produce polyester yarn, which Nike says will ensure the most environmentally-friendly kit ever.
   这家美国公司曾对媒体表示,他们使用了1300 万个塑料瓶——足以覆盖29 个足球场——制作而成的这些球衣也将会出售给球迷。
   “We are equipping athletes with newly designed uniforms that not only look great and deliver performance benefits, but are also made with recycled materials, creating less impact on our environment,” said Charlie Denson, president of Nike Brand.
   耐克说,这些瓶子融化后形成涤纶纱,这就确保让其成为最环保的球衣。“球员们穿的这种新型球衣不仅样式新颖、能让他们保持最佳状态,而且使用的是再生材料,对环境影响小。” 耐克品牌的总裁查利·登森如是说。
   South Africa says carbon emissions from the World Cup are expected to soar compared with the 2006 tournament in Germany, but it will invest in carbon credits to mitigate the impact.
   南非方面表示,与2006 年德国世界杯相比,此次世界杯的碳排放量预计会增加,不过他们会购买碳信用以减轻这种影响。
( )1. —Hi, Julie, what would you like to have for supper?  —Oh, Mom, I feel terrible and don’t feel like _______ anything.  A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate  ( )2. —Miller spread some bad stories
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