
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:root1234789
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Background. Molar pregnancy is an unusual complication of pregnancy whereby abnormal placental tissue proliferates in the absence of a fetus. There is usually a protracted follow- up period where pregnancy is contra- indicated. Whilst the medical outcomes of the disease have been well explored, limited data have evaluated the impact on psychological symptomatology, sexual function, and quality of life. Methods. Institutional ethics approval and individual consent were obtained. All women listed on the hospital molar pregnancy register receiving active follow- up (n = 102) and a random sample of women who had been registered in the previous 30 years (n = 56) were sent a postal survey outlining the purpose of the study and an invitation to participate. Questionnaires included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Sexual History Form 12 (SHF- 12). Results. The response rate was 54% . The key findings were that 60% , 55% , and 18% of women scored ≥ 10 on the total HADS, ≥ 8 on HADS- A, and >8 on HADSD, respectively. The presence of children played a protective role and was associated with significantly better psychological function and quality of life. SWLS were in the lower end of ranges reported for community controls (mean of 23.9). Chemotherapy had an adverse impact on quality of life ratings (SWLS for chemotherapy yes = 21.7, no = 25). Sexual dysfunction was similar to community samples and was independent of age, time since diagnosis, chemotherapy requirement, and presence of children. Qualitative results complemented the quantitative data with similar emotional themes identified as well as issues related to the medical condition, care, and support networks. Conclusion. Women with a molar pregnancy may benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to management that addresses their psychological and sexual needs in addition to medical aspects of care. Background. Molar pregnancy is an unusual complication of pregnancy an abnormal placental tissue proliferates in the absence of a fetus. There is usually a protracted follow- up period where pregnancy is contra- indicated. Whilst the medical outcomes of the disease have been well explored, All data are evaluated as impact on psychological symptomatology, sexual function, and quality of life. Methods. Institutional ethics approval and individual consent were obtained. All women listed on the hospital molar pregnancy register receiving active follow-up (n = 102) and a random sample of women who had been registered in the previous 30 years (n = 56) were sent a postal survey outlining the purpose of the study and an invitation to participate. Questionnaires included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Satisfaction with Life The key findings were that 60%, 55%, and 18% of wom (Scale) (SWLS), and Sexual History Form 12 (SHF- 12). Results. en scored ≥ 10 on the total HADS, ≥ 8 on HADS-A, and> 8 on HADSD, respectively. The presence of children played a protective role and was associated with significantly better psychological function and quality of life. end of ranges reported for community controls (mean of 23.9). Chemotherapy had an adverse impact on quality of life ratings (SWLS for chemotherapy yes = 21.7, no = 25). Sexual dysfunction was similar to community samples and was independent of age, time Since diagnosis, chemotherapy requirement, and presence of children. Qualitative results complemented the quantitative data with similar emotional themes identified as well as issues related to the medical condition, care, and support networks. Conclusion. Women with a molar pregnancy may benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to management that addresses their psychological and sexual needs in addition to medical aspects of care.
[摘 要] 提高档案利用率是档案工作的中心内容。目前高职院校档案的利用情况并不理想,加强高职院校档案利用工作,必须加强档案的及时归档工作,加强科研档案的宣传利用工作,加强档案信息的编研加工工作等。  [关 键 词] 高职院校档案;现状;对策  [中图分类号] G717 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)07-0166-01  高校档案是高校从事教学、科研、党政管理以及
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