国家计委、国家税务总局最近发出《关于务必保持税制改革后物价稳定的通知》。 通知说,今年1月1日起,我国税收体制进行了重大改革。这是建立社会主义市场经济体制的一项重要措施。实行新税制后,有些纳税人不完全了解新税制,认为实行增值税就是在原来价格上再加17%或13%;也有些纳税人趁税制改革之机,哄抬物价,从中渔利,推动价格上涨,造成价格秩序混乱,引起群众不满。为了保障新税制的正确贯彻和执行,避免推动物价上涨,保持市场稳定,安定人民生活,特通知如下:
The State Development Planning Commission and the State Administration of Taxation recently issued the “Notice on Keeping Prices Stable after the Reform of the Tax System”. The circular said that since January 1 this year, China’s tax system has undergone major reforms. This is an important measure for establishing a socialist market economic system. After the implementation of the new tax system, some taxpayers do not fully understand the new tax system and think that the implementation of value-added tax is equivalent to 17% or 13% of the original price. Some taxpayers use the opportunity of the tax system reform to raise prices, boost profits and boost prices , Causing chaos in price order and arousing public dissatisfaction. In order to ensure the correct implementation of the new tax system and its implementation, to avoid pushing prices higher, to maintain market stability and stabilize the people’s livelihood, the special notification is as follows: