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看到钱祥元等三同志的《港字小考》一文(载《中国港口》1997年第4期),很感兴趣,也有不少启迪.文章虽不长,但对“港”字的研究,对我们研究中国的港口史,研究港口的理论与实践,都是有积极意义.笔者认为,对理解“港”字和一些问题的看法,似有补充和修正的必要.这里也仅就“港”字问题,谈几点个人看法.1.对古汉语“港”字的理解.我国的古汉语“港”字,从汉字的形体结构上看,可以认为是从传统六书(象形、指事、会意.形声、转注、假借〕的“形声”或“会意”构字的,即在形声上;“港”字,“从水、巷音”;在会意上:“港”字,“从水,从巷”.“从水”是本质,“从巷”是象征.“巷”字本义是陆上道路的胡同的意思.古汉语的“港”字,本义应为“水中的胡同’、”小的水路”、“小的水上通道”.正如《考》文也指出的那样.古汉语“港”字,并无现今“港口”之意.故而,作为集前人大成的《康熙字典》在释义“港”字时,明明白白的注日;“行舟水道”. It is interesting and enlightening to see a paper entitled “Hong Kong Character Quiz” written by three comrades such as Qian Xiang Yuan (contained in “China Port”, No. 4, 1997). Although the article is not long, The study shows that it is of positive significance for us to study the history of ports in China and to study the theory and practice of ports.I think it is necessary to supplement and revise the understanding of the word “Hong Kong” and some issues, “Hong Kong”, talk about personal views.1.On the understanding of the word “Hong Kong” in ancient Chinese.According to the physical structure of Chinese characters, the word “Hong Kong” , “Refers to the matter, knowing. Shape sound, note, borrowed] the” shaped sound “or” knowing “the structure, that is, on the phonetic;” Hong Kong “word,” from the water, Lane sound “; , ”From the water, from the alley.“ ”From the water“ is the essence, ”from the alley“ is a symbol of ”Alley“ is the meaning of the meaning of alley land on the road.Ancient Chinese ”port“, the original meaning should be ”underwater The “alley”, the “small waterway” and the “small waterway.” As the “test” text also pointed out, there is no such thing as “port” in ancient Chinese “Meaning therefore, as the culmination of the previous set.” Kangxi “on the interpretation of” port “is the word, plain note the date;” boating waterway. "
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