
来源 :清华大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchao1011
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离散单元法是一种适用于不连续岩体稳定分析的数值方法,可用于模拟岩体的大变形及系统的失稳破坏过程。提出了一种可用于岩体动静力稳定分析的三维离散元模型的凸多面体角边修圆模式及接触关系检测算法,此法将接触区域分为角区域、边区域和面区域,采用分级检索。对于接触刚度、阻尼系数、时步等参数作了讨论,同时建立了相应的动力学模型,并验证了振动台上的两刚块振动实验结果。结果表明:计算所得的加速度、位移过程曲线与试验结果吻合较好。该模型可分析在静力与动力作用下岩体的大变形失稳过程。 Discrete element method is a numerical method applicable to the stability analysis of discontinuous rock mass. It can be used to simulate the large deformation of rock mass and the failure process of the system. This paper presents a convex polyhedron rounding pattern and contact detection algorithm for three-dimensional discrete element model of stability analysis of dynamic and static rock mass. This method divides the contact area into angular area, edge area and surface area, . The parameters of contact stiffness, damping coefficient and time step are discussed. At the same time, the corresponding dynamic model is established and the experimental results of two rigid blocks on the vibration table are validated. The results show that the calculated acceleration and displacement curves agree well with the experimental results. The model can analyze the large deformation and instability of rock mass under static and dynamic forces.
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研究结果表明 ,留营养枝对棉花叶和生殖器官的干物质积累分配无显著影响 ,但影响主茎的生长 ,使主茎干物质积累量减少 ;早打主茎顶心促进营养枝的生长 ,群体总干物质积累量增