Biporous nanocarbon foams and the effect of the structure on the capillary performance

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoook
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Biporous nanocarbon foams (NC foams) which have both nano-pores and micro-pores, were fabricated and used to explore the liquid transportation in the porous structures formed by nanomaterials. Scanning electron mi-croscopy was utilized to observe the structure of the NC foams. Capillary rise tests using acetone as the working fluid were conducted by the IR thermal imaging method. The results show that the capillary rise height of the NC foam with 65 μm micro-pore size was 47% higher than that with 9 μm micro-pore size in 50 s. The capillary performance of the NC foams was reduced when its density was higher than 60 mg/cm3. A model is built to illustrate the effect of both nano-structure and micro-structure on the transportation of working fluid in the biporous foam. The data indicates that the nano-structure generated high capillary pressure while the micro-structure provided low resistant pathways for fast liquid transportation. The size of micro-pores and the ratio of micro-pores to nano-pores were two important factors. It is demonstrated that the NC foams had large sorption capacity up to 878 mg/cm3 and their capillary performance was further enhanced when using a substrate.
读杜甫的诗先于了解本人。那工整规矩的绝句与律诗,还有沉郁萧瑟的意象,总是使我的脑海里浮现出这样的诗人形象:眉头紧锁,鬓发如雪,须发在寒风中飘拂,时而低首沉吟,时而静坐凝望,若有所思,苦涩的老眼,远望着故国万里江山,像是要看清一切,却又什么也看不清……  就诗本身而言,杜甫给我的感觉要比李白衰老得多。但事实上,杜甫却比李白小12岁。  难怪有人说,李白没有暮年,杜甫没有青年。  乱世成就了杜甫。75
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