郑州·王昊阳学琴日记(三) 我的琴头不低了

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星期六上课的时候,陈老师说我的琴头有点低,让我注意改正。下课回家的路上,妈妈就给我下了任务:这星期必须改正。有什么办法不让我的琴头低呢?我每天都照着镜子练琴,还让爸爸妈妈监督我,妈妈还帮我想了一个好方法,把谱架升到琴头的高度,我练琴的时候只要琴头碰上谱架,我就马上? When class saturday saturday, my teacher said my head was a bit low, let me pay attention to correct it. On the way home after class, my mother gave me the task: this week must be corrected. Is there any way to keep my head low? Every day, I practice in a mirror and let my father and mother supervise me. My mother also helped me think of a good way to raise the music stand to the height of the head. As long as the piano head hit the music stand, I’ll be right?
机身小巧功能强以 Exilim 打响名堂的 Casio,上星期正式推出 Exilim Pro 数码相机 EX-P600。单听这个 Pro 字就知道,这部600万像素的新机和从前的 Exilim 有很大分别,首先就
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