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中国“入世”十年,既是全面融入世界经济体系的十年,也是产业在国际博弈中奋力发展的十年,其中中美产业博弈以337调查为焦点,斗争十分激烈。美国337调查具有审理时间短、认定条件简单、应诉费用高昂以及措施严厉四大特点,是一种比“反倾销”、“反补贴”或“特保”更为严厉的贸易保护措施,其已构成我国企业进入美国市场的重大非关税贸易壁垒。“入世”十年来,美国针对我国企业所发起的337调查数量急剧增多,对我国受调查企业的发展构成了严重威胁。针对美国337调查,我国企业须制定新的战略,不仅要通过救济措施最大限度地减少调查所带来的损失,而且要尽可能避开这一壁垒,增强产业安全。 The ten years of China’s WTO accession are not only a decade of full integration into the world economic system, but also a decade in which industry has worked hard in an international game. The game between China and the United States focuses on the 337 investigation and the struggle is fierce. The U.S. 337 investigation is characterized by four shortcomings: a short trial period, a simple determination of conditions, a high cost of responding to a petition, and severe measures. It is a harsher step than the “anti-dumping”, “anti-subsidy” or “special safeguard” Trade protection measures, which constitute the major non-tariff barriers to entry for our country’s enterprises in the United States. In the 10 years since the accession to the WTO, the number of 337 U.S. investigations initiated against Chinese enterprises has risen sharply, posing a serious threat to the development of the enterprises under investigation in our country. In response to the U.S. 337 investigation, Chinese enterprises must formulate a new strategy not only to minimize the losses caused by the investigation through relief measures, but also to avoid this barrier and enhance industrial safety as much as possible.
目的 分析息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)经过连续3个月的每月抗血管内皮生长因子(vescular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)治疗后1 a的视
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