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目的总结临床系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)合并视网膜病变患者的临床特点,以提升对该病症的认识。方法回顾性分析30例SLE合并视网膜病变患者的临床资料。结果 30例患者均伴有不同程度的身体其他器官受累情况,以累及皮肤者比例最高,占70.00%,其次是肾脏病变与中枢神经系统损伤,分别占46.67%、43.33%;所有患者均为狼疮活动期,并以中度活动者最多,占70.00%,且经相关实验室检查,所有患者的抗核抗体(ANA)均显示为阳性,且其中,18例(60.00%)患者的抗双链DNA显示为阳性,10例(33.33%)患者显示为抗心磷脂抗体阳性;30例患者共累及44只眼,28例患者均伴有不同程度的视力降低,且有7例患者因视力降低来院就诊,22只眼视力在0.1~0.5间,14只眼视力在0.5以上,其余8只眼视力均在0.1以下;而关于患者眼部病变,30只眼表现为以视网膜棉绒斑、视网膜出血与视网膜静脉阻塞最多;所有患者均给予对症治疗,其中23例患者的眼部症状均得到了相应的改善,7例患者的眼部症状无明显改善。结论 SLE合并视网膜病变将对患者的视力造成极大影响,并累及到多器官,病情发展较快,特别是活动期的SLE患者必须接受常规眼底检查,以实现对病情的有效诊断,进而采取相应的治疗办法。 Objective To summarize the clinical features of patients with clinical systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) complicated with retinopathy to enhance their understanding of the condition. Methods The clinical data of 30 patients with SLE complicated with retinopathy were retrospectively analyzed. Results All 30 patients were involved in different degrees of body involvement in other organs. The highest proportion was involved in the skin, accounting for 70.00%, followed by renal lesions and central nervous system injuries, accounting for 46.67% and 43.33% respectively. All patients were lupus (70.00%) with moderate activity, and all patients showed positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) after the relevant laboratory tests. Among them, 18 patients (60.00%) had anti-double-stranded DNA was positive, 10 (33.33%) patients showed anti-cardiolipin antibody positive; 30 patients were involved in 44 eyes, 28 patients were associated with varying degrees of vision loss, and 7 patients due to vision loss to the hospital Visits, visual acuity in 22 eyes between 0.1 to 0.5, 14 eyes visual acuity of 0.5 or more, and the rest of the 8 eyes visual acuity were below 0.1; and for patients with ocular lesions, 30 eyes showed retinal lint, retinal hemorrhage With the most retinal vein occlusion; all patients were given symptomatic treatment, of which 23 cases of eye symptoms have been improved accordingly, 7 cases of patients with no significant improvement in ocular symptoms. Conclusion SLE with retinopathy will have a great impact on the patient’s visual acuity and involve multiple organs, the disease progresses rapidly, especially in active SLE patients must accept the routine fundus examination in order to achieve effective diagnosis of the disease, and then take the appropriate Treatment.
先证者 ,男 ,7岁。患儿出生后发现毛发呈白色 ,皮肤淡红色 ,双眼视物差 ,畏光 ,逐年明显 ,上学困难 ,而来我院就诊。体检 ;发育及智力正常 ,全身毛发呈白色 ,皮肤呈淡红色 ,
目的探讨布地奈德喷剂在哮喘病中的应用效果。方法 70例哮喘病患儿随机分为对照组和观察组,各35例。对照组患儿常规给予镇咳、化痰、抗感染、吸氧、保持酸碱平衡、纠正水电解
目的探讨夫妻人格相似性对婚姻质量的影响,以及在配偶不同抑郁水平下,夫妻人格相似性对婚姻质量的影响程度的差异。方法采用横断面研究,从2009年中科院心理所全国心理健康数据库中,选取了其中4 644对夫妻配对数据进行分析。夫妻分别完成了Locke-Wallance婚姻调适量表,艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ-RSC)和流调中心抑郁量表的填写。结果夫妻人格相似性(0.44±0.27)与婚姻质量[妻子(1
目的探讨Graves病(GD)患者在接受131I治疗一年后疾病影响程度及生活质量状况。方法纳入GD患者376例。患者自愿接受131I治疗,建立随访档案,分别在接受131I治疗前、治疗后第6月、12月采用疾病影响程度量表(SIP)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、社会功能缺陷筛查量表(SDSS )及生活质量问卷(QLS)进行评估。结果失访57例,319例完成随访。131I治疗前、治疗