A child of about eleven, garbed in a very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey .She wore a 1)faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair.Her face was small, white and thin, also much 2)freckled;her mouth was large and SO were her eyes, that looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others.
So far, the ordinary observer;an 3)extraordinary observer might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced;that the bigeyes were full of spirit and 4)vivacity;that the mouth was sweet-lipped and expressive;t hat the forehead was broad and full;in short, our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded that no commonplace soul 5)inhabited the body of this stray woman-child of whom shy Matthew Cuthbert was so 6)ludicrously afraid.
Matthew, however, was spared the 7)ordeal of speaking first, for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up, grasping with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby, old-fashioned carpetbag;the other she held out to him.
"I suppose you are Mr.Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" she said in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice."I’m very glad to see you.I was beginning to be afraid you weren’t coming for me and I was imagining all the things that might have happened to prevent you.I had made up my mind that if you didn’t come for me tonight l’d go down the track to that big wild cherry tree at the bend, and climb up into it to stay all night.I wouldn’t be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don’t you think?You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn’t you?And I was quite sure you would come for me in the morning, if you didn’t tonight."
in short
make up one”S mind
下决心,接受, 承认
这是一个普通的观察者所能看到的一切;更加细心的人或许还会注意到她的下巴长得很尖、很凸出,大大的眼睛中充满锐气与活力,可爱恬美的嘴唇极富于表情,前额宽大而饱满。简而言之,有眼力的观察者也许会得出这样的结论:害羞的马修·卡思伯特荒唐地害怕着这一个举目无亲的小女孩,她绝不是什么普通的家伙。 然而,马修面临着一个严峻考验——先开口说话,因为当她推断他正向她走来,便立刻站了起来,瘦瘦的、被晒黑了的双手一手握住一只破旧的老式毯制手提包包,另一只手伸向了他。
A child of about eleven, garbed in a very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish gray wincey .She wore a 1)faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair.Her face was small, white and thin, also much 2)freckled;her mouth was large and SO were her eyes, that looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others.
So far, the ordinary observer;an 3)extraordinary observer might have seen that the chin was very pointed and pronounced;that the bigeyes were full of spirit and 4)vivacity;that the mouth was sweet-lipped and expressive;t hat the forehead was broad and full;in short, our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded that no commonplace soul 5)inhabited the body of this stray woman-child of whom shy Matthew Cuthbert was so 6)ludicrously afraid.
Matthew, however, was spared the 7)ordeal of speaking first, for as soon as she concluded that he was coming to her she stood up, grasping with one thin brown hand the handle of a shabby, old-fashioned carpetbag;the other she held out to him.
"I suppose you are Mr.Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" she said in a peculiarly clear, sweet voice."I’m very glad to see you.I was beginning to be afraid you weren’t coming for me and I was imagining all the things that might have happened to prevent you.I had made up my mind that if you didn’t come for me tonight l’d go down the track to that big wild cherry tree at the bend, and climb up into it to stay all night.I wouldn’t be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don’t you think?You could imagine you were dwelling in marble halls, couldn’t you?And I was quite sure you would come for me in the morning, if you didn’t tonight."
in short
make up one”S mind
下决心,接受, 承认
这是一个普通的观察者所能看到的一切;更加细心的人或许还会注意到她的下巴长得很尖、很凸出,大大的眼睛中充满锐气与活力,可爱恬美的嘴唇极富于表情,前额宽大而饱满。简而言之,有眼力的观察者也许会得出这样的结论:害羞的马修·卡思伯特荒唐地害怕着这一个举目无亲的小女孩,她绝不是什么普通的家伙。 然而,马修面临着一个严峻考验——先开口说话,因为当她推断他正向她走来,便立刻站了起来,瘦瘦的、被晒黑了的双手一手握住一只破旧的老式毯制手提包包,另一只手伸向了他。