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近年来,济南市卫生局认真贯彻市委、市政府和省卫生厅的各项部署,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十六届三中、四中、五中全会精神、紧紧抓住发展这个第一要务,树立和落实科学发展观,按照全面建设小康社会,健康是关键、卫生应先行的思路,以深化改革为动力,以科技发展和人才为支撑,围绕深化公共卫生体制改革,不断提高公共卫生服务水平和公共卫生突发事件应急水平,公共卫生长效机制、新型合作医疗制度、卫生监督体系、卫生行业作风建设等项重点工作取得了新突破,各项工作取得了新成绩。济南市卫生局成立于1948年,是济南市卫生事业的主管部门,负责拟订全市卫生事业发展总体规划和全市农村卫生、社区卫生、妇幼卫生工作服务标准并指导初级卫生保健规划和母婴保健专项技术的实施,负责组织对重大疾病的综合防治,以及对重大突发疫情、病情的紧急处置。指导医疗卫生机构改革,依法管理医疗卫生机构,另外还负责全市中医管理、地方病防治等方面的工作。目前,全市共有卫生机构1907家,其中,有医院192家、门诊部、诊所1715家,卫生防疫(疾病预防控制)机构15家,妇幼保健站所11家,专科防治所9家,采供血机构2家,医学科研机构3家,卫生学(院)校5所,市急救中心1个,下设14个分中心及2个联网单位。此外,还有社区卫生服务中心(站)113个。 In recent years, the Jinan Municipal Health Bureau has conscientiously implemented the deployment of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and the provincial health department. It has persisted in the implementation of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the “three represents,” and thoroughly implemented the Third, Fourth, and Sixth National Party Committees in the 16th Party Congress. The spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session, firmly grasping development as the top priority, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development, and building a well-to-do society in an all-round way, health is the key, health should be the first line of thought, deepening reform as the driving force, and scientific and technological development and talent Supported by reforming the reform of public health system, continuously improving the level of public health services and emergency response to public health emergencies, and achieving a new focus on the long-term mechanism for public health, the new cooperative medical system, the health supervision system, and the construction of the hygiene industry. Breakthroughs, new achievements have been made in various tasks. Established in 1948, Jinan City Health Bureau is the competent department of Jinan City Health Department. It is responsible for drawing up the city’s overall health development planning and the city’s rural health, community health, maternal and child health service standards and guiding primary health care planning and maternal and child health special projects. The implementation of technology is responsible for organizing the comprehensive prevention and control of major diseases, as well as emergency handling of major outbreaks and conditions. Guide the reform of medical and health institutions, manage medical and health institutions according to law, and also be responsible for the work of the city’s traditional Chinese medicine management and prevention of endemic diseases. At present, there are 1,907 health institutions in the city, of which there are 192 hospitals, 1,151 outpatient departments, and clinics, 15 health and disease prevention (disease control and prevention) institutions, 11 maternity and child care stations, 9 specialized prevention and treatment facilities, and blood collection and supply agencies. 2 homes, 3 medical scientific research institutions, 5 health science (hospital) schools, 1 city emergency center, 14 sub-centers and 2 networked units. In addition, there are 113 community health service centers (stations).
3月,乌鲁木齐蓝天丽日。普普通通的星期天,温暖的阳光让许多人都走出家门迎接春天的到来,还有一部分人,走进新华书店充实心灵,享受文化的乐趣。 March, Urumqi blue sky. Or
This article discusses 46 cases of angina pectoristreated with Crataegus tablets and compares themwith patients on placebo.The antianginal effectiverates were
方药:太子参15g,黄芪12g,玄参25g,生地黄15g,丹参15g,益母草10g,茯苓15g,车前子15g,当归10g,三七粉3g,墨旱莲12g。用法:每天1剂,水煎200ml,早晚饭后30min Recipe: Taizishen