Mimicking the gravitational effect with gradient index lenses in geometrical optics

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmuppdragon
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General relativity establishes the equality between matter-energy density and the Riemann curvature of spacetime. Therefore, light or matter will be bent or trapped when passing near the massive celestial objects, and Newton’s second law fails to explain it. The gravitational effect is not only extensively studied in astronomy but also attracts a great deal of interest in the field of optics. People have mimicked black holes, Einstein’s ring, and other fascinating effects in diverse optical systems. Here, with a gradient index lens, in the geometrical optics regime, we mimic the Schwarzschild precession in the orbit of the star S2 near the Galactic Center massive black hole, which was recently first detected by European Southern Observatory. We also find other series of gradient index lenses that can be used to mimic the possible Reissner–Nordstr?m metric of Einstein’s field equation and dark matter particle motion. Light rays in such gradient lenses will be closed in some cases, while in other cases it would be trapped by the center or keep dancing around the center. Our work presents an efficient toy model to help investigate some complex celestial behaviors, which may require long period detection by using high-precision astronomical tools. The induced gradient lenses enlightened by the gravitational effect also enrich the family of absolute optical instruments for their selective closed trajectories.
An efficient scheme for photon statistics measurement is presented based on the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss configuration. We set the sampling time Ts to satisfy the relationship of Ts
为了研究爆炸物在太赫兹波段的光谱特性, 进而对爆炸物进行检测和识别, 利用太赫兹时域光谱系统(THz-TDS),对RDX, HMX,DNT,PETN,TNPG 五种纯品炸药以及以RDX为基底的混合炸药(8701,PW0,R791,R852,塑性炸药(SU-1))和以HMX为基底的混合炸药(8702)的太赫兹吸收光谱在真空条件下进行了测量。然后用两种人工神经网络(ANNs)—自组织(SOM)神经网络和多层感知器 (MLP)神经网络—对爆炸物吸收光谱进行了识别, 经过不断地学习和训练, 取得了较好的鉴别结果,
11月16日至20日在波士顿材料研究学会年会期间召开的激光和电子束与固体相互作用专题讨论会,是至今为止该领域的一次最大集会。来自14个国家的代表提交了128篇论文,内容包括基本作用机理,束加工技术应用于半导体器件制作和材料特性转变等。出席讨论会的代表多达400人。下面是会议付主席,贝尔实验室的塞拉(G. K. Oeller)和橡树岭国家实验室的阿普尔顿(Β. R. Appleton)为“Laser Focus”准备的报导。
根据距离选通微光ICCD组件及水下高速成像组件中对于门控电路的需求, 本文解决了在外触发模式下, 系统输出脉冲与外触发之间的同步效果差与抖动大问题, 提出一种基于FPGA精细调节单元IODELAY的高精度低抖动的同步脉冲控制技术。此单元具有受温度影响小、时间分辨率高的优势, 充分满足了组件中像管对于门控时间精度与抖动的要求, 此技术在各类门控组件中有很好的应用价值。
The article provides information about the image on the cover of Advanced Photonics, Volume 3, Issue 5.