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火灾是指在时间和空间上失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。在各种灾害中,火灾是最常、最普遍的威胁公众安全和社会发展的主要灾害之一。为了让同学们更好地了解火灾发生的原因,学会在火灾发生时更有效地保证自己的生命安全,阳光小记者来到了长沙市四方坪的消防支队,上了一堂别开生面的消防课。通过实地参观和消防员叔叔的解说,小记者们了解了许多与火灾相关的知识和故事, Fire refers to the disasters caused by the uncontrolled burning in time and space. Among various disasters, fire is one of the most common and pervasive threats to public safety and social development. In order to let students better understand the causes of the fire and learn to be more effective in ensuring the safety of their lives in the event of a fire, a sunshine reporter came to the Fire Brigade in Sifangping, Changsha to attend a fantastic fire lesson. Through field trips and explanations by firefighter uncle, the small reporters learned a lot about fire-related knowledge and stories,
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一  有娃子的手吓人。  似乎比正常的手大出一倍,肿大变形的指节和手腕布着圆滚滚的疙瘩,很难想像一双手上会结出这么多疙瘩,像是两坨庞大的生姜。想到这是一双摩托车手的手,每天要塞进手套,握紧车把,搭载乘客去往镇子乡下的沟沟岔岔,就更不寻常了。  两年前的一场痛风之后,有娃子的手开始变成了这样,圆滚滚的疙瘩在他的脚踝、肋巴上也可以摸到。痛风来自长年在山西小煤窑里的经历,“水洞子搞久了,避开了尘肺,却落
才艺介绍:今天画葡萄,其他同学都用彩色来表现,而我只用墨来表现。 Talent Introduction: Today painted grapes, other students are used to color performance, and I on
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