The reform of the economic system is a major event in adjusting production relations, adapting to the development of productive forces, and promoting the building of “four modernizations.” In recent years, various forms of operational management responsibility systems have been rapidly developed throughout the country and in all walks of life. The central government has decided to implement full-scale tax reforms for industrial and commercial enterprises since this year. This has greatly stepped up the reforms. Although the grain sector temporarily does not implement tax reform, the conditions are ripe for it to be implemented. How to create conditions? Talk about the preliminary views: 1. What are the specific problems in the reform of the tax reform for the grain sector? 1. The uniqueness of the grain management and operation in the following aspects: (1) Grain and oil are the “four unified” materials and policy The plan is very strong. The enterprises seldom have the right to operate their own business. Purchases, sales, transfers, deposits, and additions have to be handled according to superior directive plans. The economic activities of the company are difficult to predict. It is more difficult to formulate the correctness of the commodity circulation plan. The fluctuations are very large, which is the biggest problem in implementing tax reforms. (2) The single channel for grain and oil operations, how much to buy, and agriculture