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他以为在那里陪伴他的是一位天使,而不是一个平凡的人。吉拉斯佩先生坚定地认为是我的声音和触摸才使他奇迹般地活了下来。我七年级的时候,志愿到本镇的医院里当护士的小助手。那年夏天,我每星期为医院服务30至40个小时。我在那里的大多数时间都和吉拉斯佩先生在一起。据我所知,从来没有人 He thought he was an angel there, not an ordinary person. Mr. Ji Laisipe firmly believed that my voice and touch made him miraculously survive. When I was in seventh grade, I volunteered to be a nurse’s assistant in the town’s hospital. That summer, I worked for the hospital for 30 to 40 hours a week. I spent most of the time with Mr. Geraspe. As far as I know, no one ever
在末班电车中,我一坐下,身旁的一名中年男人就突然拿出巧克力,微笑着说:“给你。”我不假思索地接受了,接着他询问我的年龄,然后笑着说:“二十岁左右 In the last tram, I s
老母去世的时候,我正在影片《哼哈二将》的摄制过程中。没能赶上葬礼。我是晚了一个星期才回到老家的。 When my mom died, I was in the process of filming. Did not catc
Objective To compare the surgical outcomes between laparoscopic and open wedge resection for gastro-intestinal stromal tumors of the stomach. Methods Clinical d
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Objective To investigate the limiting effect of pelvic diameters on the technical difficulty of total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer by computed to
AIM: To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of polypoid lesions of gallbladder (PLG) among the health examinees in the Shanghai region, China. METHODS: