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战机是胜败的关键。得到它,弱者可以一举战胜强敌;失去它,强者纵有优势也未必取胜。1807年冬天,拿破仑冒险向俄军进攻,他的背后却处在奥军的威胁之下。当时奥军只要抓住战机,集中10万人马,从背后给法军猛烈一击,完全有可能打败拿破仑。但奥军统帅缺乏胆量,想等到凑足40万人的实力再行进攻。两年之后,他们战场上的兵力倒是达到了40万,可是时过境迁,战机已经失去,结果反为拿破仑所击败。奥军增加30万,却弥补不了失去一个战机的损失。 Fighter is the key to victory or defeat. Get it, the weak can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop; lose it, the strong vertical advantage may not win. In the winter of 1807, Napoleon took an adventurous attack on the Russian army, behind which he was under the threat of the Austrians. At that time, as long as the Austrians seized the fighters and focused 100,000 troops, they would have a very hard chance of defeating Napoleon from behind. However, the Austrian military lack of courage, want to wait until the strength of 40 million people together to attack again. Two years later, they actually reached 400,000 troops on the battlefield, but the passage of time had lost the fighters and the result was defeated by Napoleon. The Austrians increased by 300,000, but they could not make up for the loss of losing a warplane.
目的:观察138例长期维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者的抑郁状态与中医虚证分布规律的联系。方法:通过临床观察138例MHD患者的虚证辨证分型及汉密尔顿焦虑量表(h
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<正> 秦皇岛市根据商业改革发展的需要,在1987年有5个零售企业搞起了股份制试点。但发展到1990年却相继撤销了试点工作,为了解其撤销的原因,我们进行了调查。
High abundance of algae and eutrophication were observed in mangrove wetlands and these were estimated to be associated with root exudates of some specific mang