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文教工作的具体任务,在今天主要是『肃清封建的、买办的、法西斯主义的思想,发展为人民服务的思想』,扩大文化教育的普及,以提高劳动人民的文化生活,加强文化教育科学卫生事业与经济建设部门的密切配合,并培养大批工农干部与建设人才,有步骤有计划地进行对旧的文化教育内容与制度的改革。经过了一年来各方面工作同志的努力,我们已经获得了一些初步的收获。在这些收获中间,最为显著的,即是经过全国规模的群众学习运动,人民的政治文化水平是显著的提高了。这个学习运动,即是毛主席在『论人民民主专政』中所指出的『全国范围和全体规模上用民主的方法教育自己和改造自己』的运动。全国各地相继解放以后,都纷纷展开了工人、农民和 The specific task of cultural and educational work today is mainly to “eliminate the feudal, comprador, fascist and thought-making ideas of serving the people” and to expand the popularization of culture and education to enhance the cultural life of working people and to strengthen the scientific and technological education in science and education Work closely with the economic construction departments, and train a large number of cadres and workers and workers and construction personnel. They will systematically and systematically carry out the reform on the content and system of the old culture and education. After the efforts of all our comrades in work over the past year, we have already had some initial gains. Among these gains, the most remarkable one is the mass-learning movement of a nationwide scale, in which the people’s political and cultural level has risen markedly. This learning movement is the “Chairman Mao’s movement of” educating ourselves and reforming ourselves democratically on a national scale and on an entire scale “as pointed out in” People’s Democratic Dictatorship. " After the liberation of all parts of the country, they all started the work of workers, peasants and peasants
各地区行政公署,自治州、市、县人民政府,省直机关各单位:根据劳动部、财政部《关于1997年调整企业离退休人员基本养老金的通知》(劳部发[1997]226号)精神 According to th