抗战爆发后 ,广东省政府即着手进行抗战损失专项调查。1939年 7月后 ,广东抗战损失调查纳入省政府的施政计划 ,按国民政府制颁的损失调查办法和表式按期查报 ,形成了敌机袭粤、第一次粤北战役、全省人口伤亡和公有财产损失等多项调查统计资料。由于战时战后环境的影响以及损失查报过程中存在的种种问题 ,致损失统计不完整、不准确。
After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the Guangdong provincial government embarked on a special investigation into the loss of war. After July 1939, a survey of the war loss in Guangdong was included in the provincial government’s plan of administration. According to the investigation methods of loss investigation and tabular reporting conducted by the National Government, an enemy strike in Guangdong, the first battle of northern Guangdong and the province’s population Casualties and public property losses and many other survey statistics. As a result of the post-war environmental impact and various problems in the process of loss reporting, the statistics of losses are incomplete and inaccurate.