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目的 :为了进一步提高我院治疗小儿水痘的临床疗效,减轻患儿的痛苦,本文就西咪替丁联合阿昔洛韦治疗小儿水痘的临床效果展开了简单的研究和探讨。方法 :将我院在2013年11月至2014年11月期间收治的120例确诊为小儿水痘的患儿采用随机数字表法将其分为实验组(n=60)和对照组(n=60),给予对照组患儿服用去痛片治疗;实验组患儿采用西咪替丁联合阿昔洛韦治疗,对两组患儿临床治疗所取得的效果和临床指标的变化情况进行观察和统计。结果 :实验组患儿的整体治疗效果要明显的优于对照组,实验组患儿治疗的总有效为96.67%;对照组患儿治疗的总有效率为86.67%,两组之间的差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 :采用西咪替丁联合阿昔洛韦治疗小儿水痘的临床效果十分理想,有效的提高了治疗效果,减轻了患儿的疼痛,值得推广。 Objective: In order to further improve our hospital for the treatment of pediatric chicken pox clinical efficacy and reduce the suffering of children, this article on the clinical effect of cimetidine combined with acyclovir in children with chickenpox started a simple study and discussion. Methods: A total of 120 children diagnosed as chickenpox in our hospital from November 2013 to November 2014 were divided into experimental group (n = 60) and control group (n = 60) by random number table ) Were given to children in the control group to take painkiller tablets. The children in the experimental group were treated with cimetidine combined with acyclovir. The clinical effects and clinical changes of the two groups were observed and statistically analyzed . Results: The overall treatment effect of experimental group was significantly better than that of control group, the total effective rate of experimental group was 96.67%; the total effective rate of control group was 86.67%, the difference between the two groups was significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: The clinical effect of cimetidine combined with acyclovir in the treatment of chickenpox in children is very good, which effectively improves the curative effect and reduces the pain in children, so it is worth popularizing.
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这天,一位愁容满面的农妇冒着虚汗来到门诊,诉说6年来,胸闷、气短、皮疹各种不适,甚至连上下楼梯、简单家务都难以完成。虽然一直服用药物,但是近2年来,病情却愈发严重了,只能靠定期注射大剂量激素来缓解症状,但是相应的副作用如向心性肥胖、骨质疏松等也显现了,而病情却没有得到有效控制。  与这位过敏患者类似,长期得不到规范治疗的病人在变态反应科门诊屡见不鲜, 他们承受着身体和精神的双重打击,可是对于如何规