
来源 :今日工程机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yueyegg
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在外界看来,工程机械行业是一个以男性为绝对主导的行业,并不适合女性朋友。但是,实际中,却有很多的女性经理人一直活跃在这个行业里,并且为这个行业做出了突出的贡献。从我们特邀的这些嘉宾中,我们可以看到,成都沃特的总经理谭丽霞已经有24年的从业经历,从业时间最短的武汉千里马营运总监刘佳琳也已经在这个行业里呆了4年之久……究竟是什么在吸引着她们?又是什么让她们在这个男性占绝对优势的行业里争得一席之地?巾帼不让须眉,作为职场中的女性,她们在工作中、生活中将比男性经理人面临更大的挑战。但是,也许正是因为这样,她们的表现才更加让人钦佩。虽然在工作中我们常常看到的是她们务实、敬业、果敢的“女强人”形象,但是,和所有的女性朋友一样,她们也有自己喜欢的美食、也有除去工作外的兴趣和爱好,也需要有自己的消遣和解压的方式。生活中,她们也有“小资”的一面,也有女性的温婉和细腻。在三八国际妇女节这个特殊的节日里,让我们一起来分享她们的美丽心得与从业感言,来感受她们最率真的一面。同时,让我们祝福行业里所有的女性朋友都能健康、美丽! In the outside world, construction machinery industry is an industry dominated by men and not suitable for female friends. However, in practice, there are many female managers who have been active in this industry and have made outstanding contributions to this industry. From the guests we invited, we can see that Tan Lixia, general manager of Chengdu Watt, has 24 years of experience, and Liu Jialin, the director of the shortest operating time in China, has been in this industry for 4 years ... what is attracting them and what makes them gain a place in this male-dominated industry? As a woman in the workplace, they will have a better life at work than men’s managers People face greater challenges. However, perhaps because of this, their performance is even more admirable. Although what we often see in our work is their pragmatic, dedicated and courageous “superwoman” image, like all female friends, they also have their own favorite food, as well as the need to remove their interests and hobbies Have their own way of entertainment and decompression. In life, they also have the “petty bourgeoisie” side as well as the gentle and delicate women. During the special festival of March 8 International Women’s Day, let’s share their beautiful ideas and practitioners’ feelings together to feel the most true aspect of them. At the same time, let us bless all the female friends in the industry can be healthy and beautiful!
我一直觉得黄光裕文化笼罩下的国美电器,非常有零售巨头家乐福在中国的野蛮精髓。而陈晓的管理理念,则与2008年之前的沃尔玛类似,重视客户的彼此沟通。  付出终有回报,出来混终归也是要还的。     出道    那个1990年代的沪上老愤青陈晓,在没有战战兢兢开出第一家电器商店之前,至少在当时中国最现代化最有海派作风的大都市,受到過良好的教育和教养熏陶。他在体制内工作和生活了多年,凭他的超人智商和年龄
Please choose the most appropriate answer(s)to each question.请选择你认为最正确的答案:1.What do children say on Halloween?a.Dance to the beatb.Let me eatc.Tric