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当我们不再为衣食发愁的时候,服装便成了一种亲民的艺术。然而,中国作为世界上最大的服装生产国,却没有诞生出像范思哲和乔治,阿玛尼这样伟大的品牌,而是始终在价格战的漩涡中挣扎,直至被美欧拉高关锐,强制配额于是,在厌倦了打折,返购物券等低级营销手段之后,我们重新审视服装市场,你会发现一些奇特的现象,有人对顶级品牌推崇备至,而贴着顶级品牌的赝品却也在市场上大行其道,这些足以揭示出服装市场的游戏规则,品牌决定一切 When we no longer worry about food and clothing, clothing has become a kind of art of favoritism. However, as the largest garment producer in the world, China did not create such a great brand as Versace, George and Armani. Instead, it always struggled in the whirlpool of price war until it was forced by the United States and Europe to impose quotas. Tired of discounts, back vouchers and other low-level marketing tools, we re-examine the apparel market, you will find some strange phenomenon, some people are respected top brands, and top brands fake but also popular in the market, these are enough Reveal the clothing market rules of the game, the brand determines everything
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150万吨:800万吨,这一数据是国内钾盐供需严重不平衡最真实的写照。据悉,中国是世界上最大的消费国,每年需要消耗至少800万吨钾盐,但国内钾盐产量只占全球的 1%左右。有数据显