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  At some point, and I honestly don’t remember exactly when, I decided that I should stop daydreaming about climbing a big mountain and just get on with it. When I told my friends they gave me that look that means; “You are crazy!” and quickly pointed out all the obstacles: at 7,546m Muztagata[慕士塔格峰] was a very high mountain, I had no real experience in mountaineering, I had never been that high before, I had no equipment and, in fact, had no idea where to start!
  The motivation for climbing Muztagata is very personal for me, the desire comes from deep inside. It will be difficult, I know. But that is also part of the challenge. I will need to be well prepared for the bitter cold and the physical endurance. I will need to learn the appropriate mountaineering skills, to identify the effects of altitude sickness[高空病] and how to use the equipment. But I have to admit it gives me a sense of excitement that reminds me being a small boy again (even if I don’t see a Yeti[雪人]!). This is what makes this challenge so important for me.
  “Because it’s there!”
  George Mallory was an early Everest[珠穆朗玛峰] explorer who died climbing the mountain in 1924. When he was asked by a journalist why he wanted to climb Everest he made his famous comment, “Because it is there!”
  This is one of my favourite quotes as it shows that when something perfectly fits with your personality, your interests and what drives you through life, it seems perfectly natural. Mallory didn’t just decide to climb Everest because it was there, it was in complete harmony with his love of the outdoors, his sense of adventure and personal challenge, and maybe even the glory of being the first man to reach the highest point on earth.
  If we really want to be successful we have to choose the goals that are right for us. I think many people fail to achieve their goals because they choose goals that they don’t really believe in and that have no connection with their own values, their strengths, passions or the person they want to be. Sometimes goals are imposed on us by other people or we feel we “should” do something.
  If you have a dream to study abroad, try to clearly understand your motivation. Why do you want to study overseas?
  What are your strengths that will help you?
  What are the challenges and difficulties you will face? What did your friends and family say when you told them?
  James Shipton,英国文化协会考试部中国业务总监
  James Shipton于1981年至1982年在苏丹开始了他的教师生涯。之后,他在苏格兰的爱丁堡大学取得了社会人类学的硕士学位,并在墨西哥继续他的英语教学生涯达9年之久。在1995年加入英国文化协会后,James先后在阿塞拜疆、莫斯科、葡萄牙、泰国及中国工作,内容包括语言教学与测试,战略管理,项目设计及实施,与教育部开展咨询工作,并为语言学习者设计新的产品和服务。James已经从事了12年教学中心及考试的管理工作。
目前,霞浦县内本地黄牛存栏近6 000头,由于本地黄牛体形偏小,产肉性能低,不利于发展肉牛生产.1992年4月开始,在福建农林大学等有关部门支持下,用利木赞、丹麦红牛的冷冻精液