坚持以人为本 依法行政 不断推进会计事业科学发展——学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话精神

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今年7月1日,胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上发表了重要讲话。这一重要讲话回顾了伟大历程,分析了现实挑战,瞻望了光明前景。可以说,高瞻远瞩,气势磅礴,内容丰富,并提出了许多新论述、新观点、新部署、新要求。学习贯彻胡锦涛同志“七一”重要讲话,既是一次把握规律、把握未来的理论学习,也是一次坚定信仰、坚定方向的党性教育。新形势下,认真学习、深入贯彻胡锦涛同志重要讲话精神,必将会以理论创造的新成果推动事业实现新发展。对于会计行业来说,如何学习贯彻胡锦涛同志“七一”重要讲话也是重要命题之一。财政部会计司司长杨敏撰写的《坚持以人为本依法行政不断推进会计事业科学发展——学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话精神》一文结合我国会计改革和发展事业,对如何学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话进行了深刻解读,提出把胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话的精神贯彻到会计改革与发展的指导思想、总体目标、主要任务和政策措施当中。本刊特全文刊发此文,为会计行业学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话提供有益指导。 On July 1 this year, General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered an important speech at the General Assembly celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. This important speech reviewed the great course, analyzed the realistic challenges and looked forward to a bright future. It can be said that there are many new expositions, new ideas, new plans and new requirements that are far-sighted, magnificent and informative. Studying and implementing Comrade Hu Jintao’s important speech on “July 1” is not only a theoretical study of grasping the future and of grasping the future, but also a party-based education with a firm belief in and a firm direction. Under the new situation, conscientiously studying and carrying through the spirit of Comrade Hu Jintao’s important speech will surely propel the cause to new development with new achievements in theory creation. For the accounting profession, how to study and implement Comrade Hu Jintao’s “July 1” important speech is also one of the important propositions. Yang Min, director of the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance, wrote a speech entitled “Insisting on people-oriented administration in accordance with the law and constantly promoting the scientific development of the accounting profession - Studying and implementing General Secretary Hu Jintao’s” July 1 “” Speech in an Important Speech “, combining with the cause of accounting reform and development in our country, Carrying out General Secretary Hu Jintao’s important speech on ”July 1“ conducted a profound reading and put forward the guiding ideology, overall objectives, major tasks and policy measures of implementing the important speech of General Secretary Hu Jintao and ”July 1“ to accounting reform and development among. The full text of this issue of this article published this article, for the accounting industry to learn and implement General Secretary Hu Jintao ”71 " important speech to provide useful guidance.
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