
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szg6136755
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The oscillations of P-H2NC6H4COOH-KBrO3- H2SO4 system are studied. The dual-frequency oscillations are found in this system. Furthermore, the influences of initial reaction conditions (concentrations of reactans and temperature) metal-ion catalysts and several additives on oscillating behaviors are concluded. These experimental phenomena suggested that the dual-frequency oscillations are controlled by two types of mechanism,one is bromide-ion controlling to the lower frequency oscillations, the other is non-brominde ion controlling to the higher ones, in which the substrate radicals play an important role.Moreover, these mechainsms are competing in the reaction system when the situation is fit for each one. Some interpretations about this are approached from the analysis of the composion of substrates and the viriation of potential during the reaction. The oscillations of P-H2NC6H4COOH-KBrO3-H2SO4 system are studied. The dual-frequency oscillations are found in this system. Furthermore, the influences of initial reaction conditions (concentrations of reactans and temperature) metal-ion catalysts and several additives on oscillating behaviors These concluded that these dual-frequency oscillations are controlled by two types of mechanism, one is bromide-ion controlling to the lower frequency oscillations, the other is non-brominde ion controlling to the higher ones, in which the substrate some playtations about this are approached from the analysis of the composion of substrates and the viriation of potential during the reaction.
一日笔者在摄影器材城闲逛,偶然在一个不起眼的店铺看到些很偏的小物件,宣称可以提供数码相机不具备的机能。抱着怀疑的心态买了些回来尝试,结论是:对得起这价格。  日常数码相机的拍摄性能参数早已在生产之初被固化(单反相机多取决于所用镜头),若是有超出其功能的拍摄需求例如微距拍摄,难免又要重新购置机器或镜头。如今有些价格不高的小玩意儿,加在原有相机上就能使之具备之前没有的功能,但也并非完美,在使用上也有些
【中图分类号】F303.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08—0283-01  我国是一个农业大国,未来农业将是以现代科技及其应用技术装备起来的崭新产业。农业的发展大体经历原始农业、传统农业和现代化农业三个阶段。原始农业主要靠大自然的恩赐,传统农业以经验为基础,现代化农业则是依靠科学技术。  一、国外农业发展的教训  以世界上农业最发达的美国为例,美国农业具有很高的
The present study presents a peripheral nerve injury animal model for evaluation of an implantable electrical stimulator we designed.The evaluation was confirme
【摘 要】 针对目前网络学习系统中普遍存在的学习有效性监督等问题,提出建立基于模拟学生代理的智能化网络合作学习系统,并以电子商务专业为例,论述了如何实现网络学习过程中讨论主题相关性以及监督学生积极参与讨论等主要问题。通过智能学生代理的监督和干预,可以有效保证学生在系统中的学习效率,确保学生讨论的主题与预先设定的学习目标密切相关,并督促群组内每个学生积极参与讨论。  【关键词】 模拟学生;智能代理;
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