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近年来,行政管理费支出一直呈上升趋势,增长是由诸方面因索导致的。要控制其增长必须采取“综合治理”的办法。沧州市在“综合治理”压缩行政支出方面做了一些工作,并取得了一定的成效。主要做法是: 一、推行编制经费双包干体制。所谓“编制经费双包干”就是在年度内,增编不增经费,减编不减经费。市财政局与市编办经常联系,巧妙配合。为把编制经费双包干体制落到实处,市编办对财政开支的行政事业单位实行了“工资卡”制度。编办每月审核一次“工资卡”,审核其开支人数的增减情况,工资额有无变动,审核无误予以盖章。凡未经编办审核盖章的,银行不予提取现金。财政局、编办、银行三家统一协作,压缩了财政开支,如1990年在1989年压缩的基础上市直行政事业单位节编25人。 In recent years, administrative expenses have been on an upward trend and growth has been caused by various factors. To control its growth, we must adopt a “comprehensive management” approach. Cangzhou City in the “comprehensive management” to reduce the administrative expenditure has done some work, and achieved some success. The main approach is: First, the implementation of the system of double funding system. The so-called “double funding” means that during the year, the addendum will not increase funds and reduce the expenses without any deductions. City Finance Bureau and the city office often contact, cleverly cooperate. In order to put into effect the system of compiling double-subsidy funds, the municipal government has implemented the “salary card” system for administrative units that make financial expenditures. Organized a monthly review of the “wage card” to review the increase or decrease in the number of expenses, wages have changed, verified without error to be sealed. Where without the examination and approval of the seal, the bank will not withdraw cash. The Financial Bureau, the compilation and disbursement offices and the banks jointly reduced their financial expenditures by a total of 25, for example, the direct administrative units under the austerity plan in 1990 on the basis of the compression in 1989.
日前,在国家大剧院进行的“艺术1+1”沙龙活动中,央视名嘴白岩松与乐评人陈立对话,畅谈自己聆听古典音乐的心灵感受。 Recently, at the “Grand Theater 1” Salon held by
湖北仙桃市税务局直属分局在完善发票印制、领用、回收等规章制度的同时,又推出了控管发票的新招数,取得了明显效果。其主要做法是: 一、领购时责任到人。谁购买谁负责,谁领
1992年6月4日,国家物价局、财政部联合发出《关于发布中央管理的人事系统行政事业性收费项目及标准的通知》,有关规定如下: On June 4, 1992, the State Price Bureau and