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法贝儿是一家西餐厅的老板。某个黄昏,正在餐厅休息的法贝儿被一张破旧的椅子吸引了注意。这是一张具有百年历史的椅子,它的靠背甚至都已撕裂,看着看着,法贝儿忽然想起在他很小的时候,祖母就曾自豪地对他说:“那个时候,帅克每晚都会点一杯啤酒,坐的就是这把椅子。”帅克是斯拉夫·哈谢克的著名小说《好兵帅克历险记》中的主人公。1900年,哈谢克第一次光临就喜欢上了这里,尤其是其独特口味的啤酒,更令他流连忘返。想到这,法贝儿灵光一闪,如果将餐厅还原成小说中所描写的样子,让人们就餐的同时顺便感受一下小说中的氛围,借助小说的人气,说不定能产生意想不到的效果。 Faber is the boss of a restaurant. One evening, Faber, who was resting in the restaurant, was drawn to attention by a dilapidated chair. This is a century-old chair whose backs have been torn apart and watched as Faber suddenly remembered that at a very young age his grandmother proudly said to him: “At that time, Shuike grams of beer every night, sitting is the chair. ”“ Shuaike is Slavic Haskake’s famous novel ”Good Soldier Shuaike Adventures," the protagonist. In 1900, Haschek loved it here for the first time, especially his unique taste of beer, but also make him linger. I think of this, Faber flashed his eyes, if the restaurant restored to the novel described in the way, let people eat at the same time feel the atmosphere in the novel, with the popularity of the novel, may produce unexpected results.
Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) common deletion(CD) plays a significant role in aging and age-related diseases.In this study,we used D-galactose(D-gal) to generate an
Collision tumors are thought to arise from the accidental meeting and interpenetration of two independent tumors. We report here a highly unusual case of a 61-y
以氯化亚锡还原铁( Ⅲ) ,碘酸钾消除余量锡( Ⅱ) 的影响,然后用二苯胺磺酸钠为指示剂,标准硫酸铈滴定铁( Ⅱ) .
Objective Despite accumulating evidence on a role of immune cells and their associated chemicals in mechanisms of pain, few studies have addressed the potential
一位记者采访美国金融巨头摩根:“你成功的条件是什么?”摩根毫不掩饰地说:“性格。”记者又问: “资本和资金哪一个更重要?”摩根一语中的:“资本比资金更重要, 但最重要的是性格。”  在外部条件已定的前提下,一个人能否成功,关键在于能否准确识别并全力发挥其性格优势与天赋。据有关调查统计,在选错职业的人当中,有98%左右的人在事业上都是失败者。  如果性格与职业相冲突,性格就会阻碍工作的顺利进行,使从