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伟大的十月社会主义革命三十八周年纪念日就要到来了。苏联各族人民将要欢欣鼓舞地庆祝这个纪念日。全世界劳动人民也将欢庆这个标志着人类历史上一个根本转变的纪念日。今年是苏联第五个五年计划最后的一年。第五个五年计划所规定的工业生产总量已在今年5月1日以前,以四年零四个月的时间超额完成了。按照苏联部长会议中央统计局发表的“1955年上半年苏联发展国民经济国家计划的执行结果”公报,今年上半年计划的胜利完成,使人们有一切理由预测,第五个五年计划所规定的各项任务都能够完成和超额完成。因此,苏联人民更加以自豪的心情,用第五个五年计划的经济建设和文化建设各方面的巨大成就来迎接这个伟大十月社会主义革命的纪念 The 38th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution is just around the corner. The people of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union will celebrate this anniversary with joy and excitement. The working people throughout the world will also celebrate this anniversary marking a fundamental shift in human history. This year is the final year of the fifth five-year plan of the Soviet Union. The total industrial output stipulated in the Fifth Five-Year Plan has already been exceeded by four years and four months before May 1 this year. According to the Bulletin of the Implementation of the National Plan for the Development of the National Economy by the Soviet Union in the First Half of 1955, issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Soviet Council of Ministers, the success of the planned scheme in the first half of this year has given rise to every reason to predict that the fifth five-year plan All tasks can be done and over done. Therefore, the people of the Soviet Union are even more proud of their heart and greet the commemoration of this great October socialist revolution with the tremendous achievements of various fields in economic construction and cultural construction of the Fifth Five-Year Plan
1918年秋天,第一次世界大战接近尾声。曾经不可一世的奥匈帝国军队在维多利亚威尼托战役中崩溃,海军舰队也遭到惨重损失,力量大大削弱,士气一落千丈。英勇顽强 In the fall
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由上表可见自67年以来,美帝在战略进攻导弹数量上是一直保持不变的,但是在质量上一直在不断改进,从而增强“对付军事力量”的能力。美帝正在加速用民兵Ⅲ From the table ab