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随着新闻事业的发展,一批批大学毕业生纷纷跨进新闻单位工作,越来越多的青年记者正在接替中、老年记者,活跃在改革开放第一线。在这种情况下,如何提高青年记者的政治思想素质和新闻业务能力,帮助他们迅速健康成长?是当前新闻改革中急需解决的一个问题。依我看,当前不少新闻单位在培养、使用青年记者中存在着“两多两少”——即使用多、培养少,批评多,帮助少的现象。在新闻改革中普遍忽视、放松了对青年记者的政治思想教育和专业培训,单纯地叫他们自己去闯,让其自生自长或自生自灭。有的新闻单位的领导习惯于使用“成品人”,对新进来的大学生不注意培养教育,“传、帮、带”的好传统淡化 With the development of journalism, a batch of batch of college graduates have stepped into the work of news agencies. More and more young journalists are taking over middle-aged and old reporters and are active in the front line of reform and opening up. Under such circumstances, how to improve the political and ideological qualities of young reporters and the capacity of news operations to help them grow rapidly and rapidly? It is an issue urgently needed to be solved in the current news reform. In my opinion, at present, quite a few news organizations have “two or two fewer” in training and using young journalists - that is, they use more, train less, criticize more and help less. In the news reform, they generally ignored and relaxed the political and ideological education and professional training of young journalists, simply asking them to break through to make themselves or their own ways. Some news units are accustomed to using the leadership of the “finished product”, and do not pay attention to new students to educate, “pass, help, with” good tradition of desalination
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