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实际上,灰色收入并不是一个新话题,但灰色收入是一个时时需要关注的话题。从某种意义上讲,“灰色收入”并非一个贬义词,其存在似乎还有一定的合理性和现实性。 但同时也必须看到“灰色收入”带来的许多社会问题和体制性的痼疾。正如《财经时报》记者所调查的,“与这些收入一起被隐形的,是中国其实已被高度关注的贫富问题”。而这背后,还有社会风气的不正,甚至腐败现象的滋生。 在反映贫富差距的基尼系数在中国日益增大的今天,在中央三令五申坚决 纠正损害群众利益的不正之风、严厉打击发生在群众身边的腐败现象的今天,关注中国人的“灰色收入”现象有着重要的现实意义。 In fact, the gray income is not a new topic, but gray income is a topic that needs attention at all times. In a sense, “gray income” is not a derogatory term, and its existence seems to be still reasonable and realistic. At the same time, however, we must also see the many social problems and institutional illnesses brought about by “gray income.” As the Financial Times reporter surveyed, “what is invisible with these revenues is the question of the rich and the poor that China has actually been paying close attention to.” Behind this, there are also social unhealthy trends, and even the growth of corruption. At a time when the Gini Coefficient, which reflects the gap between the rich and the poor, has been steadily increasing in China today, the Central Government has repeatedly corrected the unhealthy practices that undermine the interests of the masses and severely cracked down on the corruption that has taken place among the masses. It is concerned about the “gray income” of the Chinese people. Has important practical significance.
波斯人所喜爱的这些巨大的火柱,正是天然气。总是注重实际的中国人用竹筒或陶筒将燃气引来生火做饭或者照明。在欧洲,燃气是在实验室中被发现的。 The huge pillar of fire
Atomically thin two-dimensional(2D) layered materials have potential applications in nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and integrated optoelectronics. Band gap en