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:《邓小平文选》第三卷出版发行后,机械、兵器行业认真贯彻党中央《决定》,迅速掀起了学习热潮。中共兵器工业总公司党组在给各企事业单位党委的通知中强调,《邓小平文选》第三卷的出版发行是党和国家政治生活中的一件大事,为我们进一步用建设有中国特色社会主义理论武装全党提供了最好的教材和最有力的武器,认真学习《邓小平文选》第三卷,对于团结和教育兵器工业广大职工,加快兵器工业改革开放的步伐,把兵器工业企业推向市场,扭转当前的困难局面,具有极其重要而深远的意义。《通知》强调,学习《邓小平文选》第三卷,要发扬我们党历来倡导的理论联系实际的马克思主义学风。兵器工业广大干部、职工、特别是各级党员领导干部,在学习中要紧密联系兵器工业的实际,把学习文选和解决兵器工业的实际问题,加快兵器工业改革与发展紧密结合起来。通过学习,要进一步加速思想观念的转变,克服市场观念、竞争意识淡薄,等、靠、要依赖思想严重等不利因素,自觉地按照“三个有利于”的原则,大胆地开展工作,努力在竞争中求生存、求发展。通过学习,要进一步贯彻落实《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》,深化企业改革,转换企业经营机制,解决落后的经营机制与激烈的市场竞争之间的矛盾,突破常规,大胆 : After the publication and publication of Volume III of Deng Xiaoping's Literary Selections, the machinery and weapons industry conscientiously implemented the “decision” of the Central Party Committee and promptly set off the craze for study. In its circular to the party committees of enterprises and public institutions, the party branch of the Chinese Ordnance Industry Industries Corporation emphasized that the publication and distribution of the third volume of the “Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping” is a major event in the political life of the party and the country. It further helps to build a socialist society with Chinese characteristics Armed theory of the party to provide the best teaching materials and the most powerful weapon, conscientiously study the “Deng Xiaoping anthology” the third volume, for the unity and education of workers and workers in general weapons industry, speed up the pace of reform and opening up the weapons industry, the weapon industry enterprises to market , Reversing the current difficult situation has an extremely important and far-reaching significance. The “Circular” emphasizes that to study the third volume of the “Deng Xiaoping's essay selection”, we must carry forward the Marxist style of study that our party has always advocated in integrating theory with practice. The vast majority of cadres and workers in the weaponry industry, especially leading cadres of party members at all levels, must closely contact the reality of the weaponry industry in their studies, closely integrate the study of the election and resolution of the actual problems of the weaponry industry and the acceleration of the reform and development of the weaponry industry. Through learning, we should further accelerate the transformation of our thinking concept, overcome market concepts, weak competitive awareness, rely on and rely on unfavorable factors such as serious thinking, and voluntarily follow the principle of “Three Benefits ” to work boldly, Strive to survive in the competition, and development. Through study, we should further implement the “Regulations for the Conversion of Operating Mechanism of Industrial Enterprises under the Ownership System”, deepen the reform of enterprises, transform the operating mechanism of enterprises, resolve the contradictions between the backward operation mechanism and fierce market competition, break the routine and bold
PARP的分子生物学特征,PARP的活性调节,以及PARP与缺血性神经元损伤后DNA的修复及细胞凋亡有关,探讨了PARP抑制剂,如:尼克酰胺,对缩小缺血梗死灶的作用。 The molecular bio