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3月27日上午,州文联六届五次全委(扩大)会在麻栗坡县召开。会议总结了文山州文联系统2013年的工作,部署了2014年的工作任务。州文联第六届委员、州各协学会、各县(市)文联主要负责人及部分文艺家共计60余人参加会议。省文联民间文艺家协会秘书长柏桦到会指导,麻栗坡县委常委、宣传部部长王富光致辞。会议由州文联副主席张邦兴主持。文山州文联主席周祖平作《高举旗帜牢记使命共同谱写中国梦文山 On the morning of March 27, five times of the Sixth State Council of the State Alliance (enlarged) will be held in Malipo County. The meeting summed up the work of Wenshan Prefecture Literary System in 2013 and deployed 2014 tasks. Sixth member of State Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Association of State Associations, chief officials of Literary Federation of all counties (cities) and some writers and artists altogether attended the meeting. Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles Bai Hua, secretary general of the Association to guide the meeting, Malipo County Party Committee, Propaganda Minister Wang Fuguang speech. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Bangxing, vice chairman of the State Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Wenshan Zhou Lianping Chairman of Federation of Literary and Art Circles as "hold high the banner keep in mind the mission to jointly write China Meng Wenshan
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我如今已厌看蔷薇色,  一任她娇红披满枝。  心头的春花已不更开,  幽黑的烦忧已到我欢乐之梦中来。  我的唇已枯,我的眼已枯,  我呼吸着火焰,我听见幽灵低诉。  去吧,欺人的美梦,欺人的幻像,  天上的花枝,世人安能痴想!  我颓唐地在挨度这迟迟的朝夕,  我是个疲倦的人儿,我等待着安息。