在近期举办的2014年中国国际石油化工大会的“绿色化工智慧城市”研讨会分论坛中,化工圆桌咨询公司首席执行官Jhon Pearson介绍到,目前人类正在快速的步入城市化的进程,在2010年,有35亿人口大概占全世界人口的50%生活在城市中,到2050年也就是仅仅35年的时间之内,预期会有63亿的人口相当于当时90亿全球人口的70%,将会居住在城市里。化工行业就是最为关键的元素,为这些迅速成长的城市提供创新的解决方案,使这股城市化的进程能够得以进行,同时不断改进我们的社会和生活方式。对于保护赖以生存的环境,化工行业同时也非常的关键,让我们在未来能够不断获得繁荣。而化工行业未来有多大的繁荣,将来自于创新而不是来自于普通的商品行业,绿色化工智慧城市研讨会分论坛为我们带来了最新的关于化工以及城市的思维。
Jhon Pearson, chief executive officer of Chemical Roundtable Consulting Co., Ltd., recently introduced at the “Green Chemical Smart City” symposium of the 2014 China International Petrochemical Convention. At present, mankind is rapidly entering the process of urbanization, In 2010, 3.5 billion people make up about 50% of the world’s population and live in cities. By 2050 it is only 35 years that an estimated 6.3 billion people would be equivalent to 70% of the world’s population of 9 billion %, Will live in the city. The chemical industry is the most crucial element in providing these rapidly growing cities with innovative solutions that will allow this process of urbanization to take place while continuously improving our society and way of life. To protect the environment in which we live, the chemical industry is also very crucial, allowing us to continue to prosper in the future. The chemical industry in the future how much prosperity, will come from innovation rather than from the general merchandise industry, green chemical wisdom city seminar sub-forum brought us the latest chemical and city thinking.