A mathematical model of rough surface contact characterization in spot welding

来源 :China Welding | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzw93
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Based on the elastic-plastic mechanics and the contact mechanics, an asperity contact model for the resistance spot welding of the rough surface is presented. The numerical results indicate that the real contact area is only a small section of the nominal contact area. The value of the real contact area is randomly fluctuating within 20%. The real contact area’s distribution and each point’s deformation can also be obtained from this model, which is primary in the calculation of the contact resistance and the temperature field of the spot welding. Based on the elastic-plastic mechanics and the contact mechanics, an asperity contact model for the resistance spot welding of the rough surface is presented. The numerical results indicate that the real contact area is only a small section of the nominal contact area. The value The real contact area’s distribution and each point’s deformation can also be obtained from this model, which is primary in the calculation of the contact resistance and the temperature field of the spot welding.
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