The Impacts of Mosquito Density and Meteorological Factors on Dengue Fever Epidemics in Guangzhou, C

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Objective To explore the associations between the monthly number of dengue fever(DF) cases and possible risk factors in Guangzhou, a subtropical city of China. Methods The monthly number of DF cases, Breteau Index(BI), and meteorological measures during 2006-2014 recorded in Guangzhou, China, were assessed. A negative binomial regression model was used to evaluate the relationships between BI, meteorological factors, and the monthly number of DF cases. Results A total of 39,697 DF cases were detected in Guangzhou during the study period. DF incidence presented an obvious seasonal pattern, with most cases occurring from June to November. The current month’s BI, average temperature(Tave), previous month’s minimum temperature(Tmin), and Tave were positively associated with DF incidence. A threshold of 18.25 °C was found in the relationship between the current month’s Tmin and DF incidence. Conclusion Mosquito density, Tave, and Tmin play a critical role in DF transmission in Guangzhou. These findings could be useful in the development of a DF early warning system and assist in effective control and prevention strategies in the DF epidemic. Objective To explore the associations between the monthly number of dengue fever (DF) cases and possible risk factors in Guangzhou, a subtropical city of China. Methods The monthly number of DF cases, Breteau Index (BI), and meteorological measures from 2006-2014 recorded in Guangzhou, China, were assessed. A negative binomial regression model was used to evaluate the relationships between BI, meteorological factors, and the monthly number of DF cases. Results A total of 39,697 DF cases were detected in Guangzhou during the study period. DF present presented an obvious seasonal pattern, with most cases occurring from June to November. The current month’s BI, average temperature (Tave), previous month’s minimum temperature (Tmin), and Tave were positively associated with DF incidence. A threshold of 18.25 ° C was found in the relationship between the current month’s Tmin and DF incidence. Conclusion Mosquito density, Tave, and Tmin play a critical role in DF transmission in Guangzhou. T hese findings could be useful in the development of a DF early warning system and assist in effective control and prevention strategies in the DF epidemic.
元人辛文房所撰 《唐才子传》 一书,以唐代四百余位文化精英为对象,梳理出有唐一代文脉之起伏.其笔下的“才子”形象是自我塑造和社会观念合力影响下的产物,其本质乃是一种社
摘 要:清朝时期,政局不稳,战争时有发生。在这样的环境下,文学的发展也受其影响,有不同的内容,呈现出不同的风格。以纳兰性德的《长相思》为代表的展现军旅思乡情怀的诗词是其中极为重要的一部分。  关键词:纳兰性德;军旅;思乡情怀;诗歌风格  山一程,水一程,身向榆关那畔行,夜深千帐灯。  风一更,雪一更,聒碎乡心梦不成,故园无此声。  ——[清]纳兰性德《长相思》  一、《长相思》的作者及背景  纳兰