太行精神 转型跨越的精神动力——纪念中国共产党成立90周年太行精神研讨会发言摘要

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由中共山西省委、中共中央党校等单位主办的“太行山精神研讨会”7月17日在山西长治召开,来自中央党校、江西、河南等地的党史专家汇聚一堂,对太行精神的形成过程和历史背景、基本内涵与精神实质、历史作用及传承发展等围绕“大力弘扬太行精神,促进转型跨越发展”这一主题进行深入研讨。山西省委书记、省人大常委会主任袁纯清在致辞中强调,在新形势下大力弘扬太行精神,要以百折不挠、敢于胜利的精神,走出资源型地区转型发展和可持续发展的新路子。坚持以建设转型综改试验区为统揽,攻坚克难,大胆实践,以煤为基、多元发展,既要以坚忍不拔的精神把地下资源的文章做好,更要以改革创新的精神把地上资源的文章做好,早日实现资源大省向经济文化强省的跨越;要从坚定理想信念着手,加强社会主义核心价值体系建设。面对工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化过程中思想的大活跃、观念的大碰撞、文化的大交融,坚持用党的伟大成就激励人、用党的优良传统教育人、用党的成功经验启迪人、用党的历史教训警示人,增强忧患意识、责任意识、大局意识,坚定理想信念,进一步增强建设祖国的责任感,推进科学发展的紧迫感,加快民族复兴的使命感;要践行执政为民的宗旨,动员人民群众建设更加幸福美好的生活。 The “Taihang Mountain Spirit Seminar” hosted by CPC Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Central Party School and other units convened on July 17 in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. Party history experts from the Central Party School, Jiangxi and Henan gathered to discuss the Taihang Spirit The process of formation and historical background, basic connotation and spiritual essence, historical function and inheritance and development are all discussed in depth on the theme of “vigorously carrying forward the spirit of Taihang and promoting the transition across development”. In his speech, Yuan Chunqing, secretary of the Shanxi provincial party committee and director of the Provincial People's Congress, emphasized that in the new situation, the Taihang Spirit should be vigorously promoted and a new road of restructuring, development and sustainable development in resource-based regions should be outdone in a spirit of perseverance and courageous victory. Adhere to the construction of comprehensive experimental zone for transformation and control as a guide, tackling tough problems, bold practice, coal-based, diversified development, it is necessary to persevere in underground resources, the article should do a good job, but also to the spirit of reform and innovation We should do a good job in the article on the earth's resources, and at an early date realize the leap forward from a major province of resources to a strong province of economy and culture. We should proceed with resolute ideals and beliefs and strengthen the building of a socialist core value system. In the face of the great activeness of ideas, the big collision of ideas and the great integration of culture in the process of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization, insisting on using the party's great achievements to inspire people and educating people with the fine traditions of the party, The successful experience of the party enlightens people, cautions people with the party's historical lessons, enhances the sense of urgency, sense of responsibility and overall situation, strengthens the ideal and conviction, further enhances the sense of responsibility for building the motherland, promotes the sense of urgency for scientific development, and accelerates the sense of national rejuvenation. We must practice the purpose of governing for the people and mobilize the people to build happier and better lives.
姬守先,1933年加入中国共产党,同年参加国际情报组织,1934年担任国际情报组(俗称抗日放火团)总负责人。1940年被日警逮捕,在狱中英勇不屈,1942年慷慨就义。 Ji Shuxian, joi
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