
来源 :地理教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longxue1211
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为给所有地理工作者、特别是广大中学一线地理教师提供一个充分展示自我、表现自我的舞台,为广大地理师生提供相互学习、相互交流经验的平台,中国地理学会、《地理教育》杂志社决定举办全国第三届“创新杯”地理教研论文大赛。这次大赛重在对地理教学理论问题的探讨,强调对地理教改实践的探索,力求对地理教育改革的反思。现将大赛的有关事宜通知如下: In order to provide all geography workers, in particular the first-line geography teachers in the middle schools, with a stage to fully display themselves and express themselves, and provide a platform for the vast number of geography teachers and students to learn from each other and exchange experiences, the Chinese Geography Society and the Geography Education Magazine Decided to hold the third “Innovation Cup” Geography Teaching Research Competition. The contest focuses on the exploration of geography teaching theory, emphasizes the exploration of geography teaching reform practice, and strives to reflect on the geography education reform. The relevant matters of the contest are now notified as follows:
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2009年12月8日,钓鱼王集团第六期“打造百年渔具老店学习班”开班典礼隆重举行。活动一开始,钓鱼王集团董事长、副总、各部门主管以及 December 8, 2009, the sixth fishing
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