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  As NBA Schedule-Maker Departs, He Takes with Him an Era League Won’t See Again.
  The memorabilia has been bubble-wrapped—the autographed Willis Reed print, the kitschy poster from the 1978 Finals. A brawny typewriter, the Royal 440, rests on the radiator. An NBA staff guide, dated 1975-76, peeks out from a shelf.
  收藏品已经用气泡膜包裹好了——一张威利斯·里德签名的,花哨的1978年总决赛海报。暖气片上是一个敦实的打字机,型号Royal 440。还有一本1975-76赛季的NBA员工手册,从书架上斜了出来。
  And on the desk sits a yellowed Rolodex, jammed with four decades of key NBA figures. But the real power rests beside the Rolodex.
  That’s where the PC is. The one with the spreadsheet containing all those arena dates and television commitments and grudge matches. The one that dictates where every NBA team will play, and when.
  For the last 30 years, Matt Winick has punched the keys on this PC and arranged all of those dates, color-coding for home games (blue) and away (red), agonizing over every six-game road trip and every back-to-back set, bracing for the complaints that were sure to follow.
  "I tell the teams, ’Hey, that’s the way the computer did it,’" Winick said from behind his desk. "But it was never the computer. I was the computer.”
  Officially, Winick has carried the title of senior vice president, but he is best known as the NBA’s Scheduling Czar—a role he alone has held since 1985, a role he is now relinquishing for good.
  The 75-year-old Winick, who first joined the NBA in 1976, is stepping down (not retiring, he insists) at the end of the month, taking with him four decades of memories, mementos and scheduling wisdom.
  The spreadsheet has been bequeathed to Tom Carelli, the league’s senior vice president of broadcasting. Carelli’s team produced the recently released 2015-16 schedule, the first without Winick’s fingerprints since the 1984-85 season.
  "I always described it as a jigsaw puzzle with 1,230 pieces"—one for every game—"and if one of them doesn’t fit, it doesn’t work," Winick said. "All 1,230 pieces have to fit."   “我一直将那看作一个多达1230块的拼图。”一块拼图就是一场比赛,“如果其中一个不合适,全部就废掉了。”威尼克说,“全部1230个都要合适。”
  There is a mix of pride and wistfulness and relief in his voice, all filtered through a New York accent. There’s nothing like the satisfaction of finishing a puzzle. Nor the stress of getting there. The puzzle is critical, fascinating, complex. The puzzle is a headache.
  The best part of the job?
  "Getting it done," Winick said. "I don’t know if it made up for the four months of agony. But it was a helluva great day, I’ll tell you."
  There might not be a more complex or thankless job in professional sports than that of schedule-maker—and the complexity and thanklessness might be double in the NBA because of the competition for arena dates and the sheer impossibility of producing a calendar that seems equitable across 30 teams.
  Every franchise plays 41 home games and 41 road games. But from there, the schedules can diverge wildly.
  Last season, the Detroit Pistons played 22 back-to-back sets, while the Miami Heat had just 16. The Portland Trail Blazers—on a virtual island in the Pacific Northwest—will always travel more miles than the Cleveland Cavaliers. Every year, some teams will benefit from a greater "rest" advantage—i.e. more days off between games than the opposition—over the course of a season.
  The NBA might have the quirkiest and the most scrutinized schedule in pro sports. Its release each summer is highly anticipated and inevitably greeted with distressed howls from teams and fans.
  "Ten road games in November? We got hosed!"
  “1 1月要十连客?我们被黑了!”
  "Twenty-two back-to-backs? Are you serious?"
  "Man, our schedule in (fill in a month) is brutal."
  At some point, every team executive has called Winick to lodge a complaint.
  "Every year, he would respond the same way," said Brooklyn Nets general manager Billy King. "’You have to play 41 at home and 41 on the road.’ "   “每年他的回答都是一样的。”篮网总经理比利·金表示,“你得打41个主场和41个客场。”
  It’s not quite that simple, of course. But Winick’s wry retort has the benefit of being generally true. Whatever angst a team expresses over, say, a roadheavy November, it will necessarily be offset later in the season, perhaps by a home-heavy April—which, of course, will cause that team’s closest rival in the standings to complain.
  事实当然没这么简单,但威尼克这种有点讽刺的回答总体上说得并没有错。无论一支球队表达什么样的担心,比如担心1 1月客场比赛太多,这在后面的赛季中总会得到补偿。比如4月主场比赛多——当然,这又会招致和这支球队排名最接近的对手的抱怨。

  "Put it this way: I never expected anyone to call me and say thank you," Winick said.
  See, it is literally a thankless job. And one that Winick never expected when he joined the NBA in 1976, as director of media relations.
  The NBA had just 22 teams then. Winick was one of 20 full-time employees in the league office. The schedule was handled by the legendary Eddie Gottlieb, who would painstakingly construct the entire thing by hand, on a yellow legal pad. The league later hired an outside firm to computerize the schedule.
  In 1985, Scotty Stirling, the NBA’s vice president of operations, pulled the job back to the league office and assigned it to Winick.
  "We need to bring it in-house," Stirling told Winick. "And you’ll have a lifetime job here."
  Lifetime job?
  "Nobody else wants it," Stirling said.
  Winick lets the line hang in the air for a moment, then chuckles and snorts again.
  "So the lifetime job lasted a long time," he said.
  Every year brings different obstacles and off-the-wall requests. Winick once had an owner lobby him not to schedule his team a specific weekend.
  "Why? It was the owner’s son’s bar mitzvah①," he said, chuckling. "How do you put that in a computer?"
  Another year, a head coach asked Winick to give his team more home games on the first night of a back-to-back. Winick did his best to accommodate him. The coach got fired before the new season began and landed with a divisional rival.   还有一年,一支球队的主教练要求威尼克给他的球队在背靠背的第一场比赛里安排更多的主场比赛。威尼克尽量满足了他的要求。新赛季开始前,这个主教练被炒了,结果他成了原球队分区死敌的主教练。
  The next time the two crossed paths, the coach groused that his old team had a better schedule than his new team.
  "I said, ’Look, you sonofabitch, I gave you what you wanted! I didn’t tell you to get fired!’" Winick recalled with a smile and laugh.
  There was much less scrutiny in the early years—no Internet, no social media, no one compiling "rest" data—but the challenges were greater. The NBA was a second-tier league, fighting just to get dates in its home arenas. Even at the Boston Garden, during the Larry Bird era.
  "They took us reluctantly," Winick said of the Garden, which was run by the NHL’s Bruins. "We were a pain in the ass. It disturbed a Bruins practice that the Celtics had to play a game or something. … We’d fight over playoff dates, we’d fight over everything. I remember going to a playoff game that we had to play on like a Tuesday afternoon, because that was the only date we could get up there."
  There are few such battles today, with the NBA now a multibillion-dollar global enterprise, its games in high demand. There are more teams, of course, and more national television obligations and more variables at work. Though Winick’s spreadsheet had some constraints built in, it was not automated; Winick assigned all 1,230 games himself, through a painstaking process that took months.

  "You go to sleep thinking about: How can I get this team to here?" Winick said. And sometimes the answer would hit him at 3 a.m., stirring him awake.
  It’s all changing now, with new hands at the controls and more advanced software driving the process. More automation, more algorithm-driven scheduling, less human touch.
  On this day, Winick’s 16th-floor office is cluttered with boxes and bubble wrap and dusty reference guides. The signed Willis Reed print was a gift from Reed, who was a Knicks rookie when Winick worked for the team.
  "I’d like to consult," he said. "I’d like to be able to impart my wisdom."
  ①bar mitzvah:受诫礼即成人礼,为年满13岁的犹太男孩举办的成人仪式。
对普通人来说,满是椰树、海洋、沙滩、比基尼的南海岸是迈阿密夏天最迷人的景色;对于广大球迷而言,热火以及坚守热火十余年的韦德是这座城市最让人振奋的标签。然而在这个初夏,李宁携手韦德将这两者合二为一——配色灵感源于迈阿密南海岸的韦德之道3“眩火”。  此次韦德之道3“眩火”用蓝、粉、白、绿的清爽配色结合分形几何主题来呈现迈阿密南海岸的旖旎风情,清新动感,视觉冲击力超强。鞋面采用了尼龙布织物,在保证包裹
先细数这赛季“烂大街”的球鞋,Nike Hyperdunk 2014、Nike Zoom Soldier 8、Nike Zoom Run The One、adidas Crazylight boost,从一号位到五号位皆有穿着这些球鞋的人,只要有比赛就有这些鞋,看来这三双是符合NBA大众审美标准的。但是,在哪儿都有不跟风、不追随的存在,下面就来挑选些季后赛中的非主流球鞋。  泰里克·埃文斯NIKE
无论你喜欢,还是讨厌,已经用他那不可思议的速度,将面筐进攻的篮球体系,提升到了全新的领域。  当看到场上不知疲倦的拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克时,他的存在仿佛推翻了所有的物理定律,关于篮球的传统惯例在他身上也不适用。某个瞬间会让人想起“薛定谔的猫”。  《生活大爆炸》的粉丝肯定知道,“薛定谔的猫”是埃尔温·薛定谔在1935年提出的理想实验,用来表明量子力学的哥本哈根诠释在应用到日常世界时的明显矛盾。在论证中
去纽约城……参加全明星太酷了。全明星里有很多活动,氛围真的太棒了。至少对我来说,来到全明星最好的一点就是,我在比赛中认识的所有人都在同一时间来到了同一个地方。这让人能轻松地和新老朋友沟通感情——尽管那里冷得要死!  扣篮大赛……如果能参加,应该会非常有意思。扎克·拉文和他们这些人重新给扣篮大赛带来了活力。现在谈明年的事有些太早了,不过就目前而言,我有点想参加多伦多的扣篮大赛。我肚子里还是有一些存货
阿马雷·斯塔德迈尔  1982年11月16日/2.08米/111公斤/PF-C/达拉斯小牛  当小牛在主场以94比127大比分输给勒布朗·詹姆斯的骑士后,阿马雷·斯塔德迈尔再也坐不住了。  “我来这里是为了胜利,但我们距离跌出季后赛只有4.5场了,这是不可接受的。”小斯说,“我们必须找到办法重新集中精神,我们必须关注比赛的所有细节,我们不能用玩笑的心态对待比赛。我们不能在比赛和训练时瞎闹,不能总开
2015年6月,阿迪达斯签约球星达米恩·利拉德再度来华,开启他的第二次中国之行。在加利福尼亚奥克兰长大的他,高中乃至大学时都备受轻视。但如今,他却已经是NBA年度最佳新秀及入选全明星的闪耀明星。纵观其职业生涯,利拉德的每一步表现都能超乎我们的想象。时至今日,阿迪达斯就达米恩·利拉德的中国行再次发布D Lillard 1代全新配色篮球战靴,这款红荧光色球鞋是专为利拉德此次中国行而特别设计。  利拉德
舒适的Roshe run已成为街鞋,Jordan随即也推出了属于Jordanbrand的“Rosherun”,添加涂层的简约鞋面和兼具外底功能的灵活中底,缔造利落简洁的解构式设计。鞋跟 Zoom Air气垫结合柔软鞋垫,以出色缓震性能塑造出色脚感,鞋面添加合成材质涂层轻盈舒适;内嵌式Zoom Air气垫带来轻质缓震效果,人字型抓地底纹保证提供出色的抓地力;EVA泡棉楦头结合Ortholite鞋垫,
说起香烟在NBA的历史,第一个被想到的大概就是有关弗拉德·迪瓦茨的传说。据说迪瓦茨进入NBA后,闲着的时候总会抽上一根。我说的可是半场休息时在更衣室抽哟。  不过在美国人眼里,东欧人大概都是一身烟味。2001年接受丹·帕特里克采访时,迪瓦茨曾经被问到这个问题。  帕特里克:你现在还抽烟吗?  迪瓦茨:不抽了。  帕特里克:你曾经是个烟鬼。  迪瓦茨:是的。  帕特里克:你一天一般抽几包?  迪瓦茨
罗德尼·胡德  1992年10月20日/2.03米/98公斤/SG-SF/犹他爵士  每次来到球馆,身材瘦长的胡德都背着一个粉红色的小书包,看起来格外滑稽。那是爵士老将们专为“整蛊菜鸟”准备的。  爵士本赛季有3名菜鸟,丹特·埃萨姆、乔·英格尔斯和罗德尼·胡德。前面两名菜鸟有时候会偶尔“忘记”老将们的“嘱托”,只有胡德会乖乖地遵从,他甚至说:“这很有趣。我一直期待这个环节,这很酷。”  胡德的出身
如果说,女人都爱高帅富,那雅思敏·杰的喜好绝对算得上异类了。  “大宝贝”格伦·戴维斯是绝对的人如其名,尤其是在火热的粉红女郎面前。这不,在和交往多年的珍娜·戈麦斯离婚不久,他就迅速拥有了新欢,模特雅思敏·杰。  格伦·戴维斯与前妻珍娜相恋已久,两人在2014年新年夜时低调完婚,受邀参加的人并不多。此前两人已经育有一女、现年三岁多的阿玛莉。珍娜也是篮球运动员,曾担任塔夫斯大学女篮队长。两人除了同样