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改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,有 些企(事)业单位职工悄然兴起第二职业,并逐渐成为人们关注的问题。 “第二职业”是相对于第一职业而言的,即是指从业人员在从事本职工作的同时,从事职权以内或职权以外的其它职业。目前从事第二职业的形式多种多样,五花八门。作为一种社会现象,第二职业是市场经济发展的衍生物。 一、第二职业产生的原因 产生第二职业有各种原因。但归纳起来主要有以下四种: 一、是思想观念转变,为第二职业的兴起创造了条 件。有了正当的职业,又暗地里经商办厂做生意。这在传统观念中是要受到抨击和鞭挞的,有的还因此受到党纪政纪处罚。在计划经济体制转变到市场经济体制后,致富光荣、靠劳动增加收入理所当然等观念很快被广大职工所接受。因此,一些职工从事第二职业已从开始的躲躲闪闪、半公开到现在的公开地大显身手了,一些向来被认为是循规蹈矩也加入了第二职业行列。 二是企事业单位人浮于事,是产生第二职业的重 要原因。目前,国有企(事)业单位的一个重要包袱是冗员问题。从实际看,许多部门、单位人浮于事,或一岗多人,或岗位工作不饱和,又加上生产不景气等原因,往往造成“一些人没事干”、“一些事没人干”、“一些人不太乐意干实事”等现象? Since the introduction of the reform and opening up, with the development of the socialist market economy, some employees in enterprises, institutions and industries have quietly emerged in the second occupation and have gradually become the people’s concerns. “Second occupation” is relative to the first occupation, that is, practitioners engaged in their own work at the same time, within or outside the authority of other occupations. Currently engaged in the second occupation in a wide variety of forms, varied. As a social phenomenon, the second occupation is a derivative of the development of market economy. First, the second career causes Second career has a variety of reasons. However, there are mainly four kinds to summarize: First, the change of ideology and concept has created conditions for the rise of the second career. With a proper career, but also secretly doing business in the factory. This is to be criticized and lashed in the traditional concept, and some of them are therefore punished by party discipline and government. After the planned economic system has been transformed into a market economy, the idea of ​​getting rich and honorably and relying on labor to increase income as a matter of course will soon be accepted by the majority of workers. Therefore, some workers engaged in the second profession has been dodge from the beginning, semi-open to the public now to show their talents, and some has always been considered to be conformity also joined the second career ranks. Second, enterprises and institutions floating in the matter, is to produce a second career important reason. At present, one of the important burdens of state-owned enterprises is the problem of redundancy. From a practical perspective, many departments and units fail to do their job well, or there are many employees in a single post or they are not fully employed in the job or due to a production slump, which often results in “some people having nothing to do” and “ People are not willing to do something ”phenomenon?
目的:分析灯盏乙素乙酯(scutellarin ethyl ester,DZY-02)在大鼠小肠各肠段的吸收机制。方法:采用大鼠在体单向肠灌流模型,运用HPLC测定肠灌流液中DZY-02含量,考察3个剂量组D