贯彻落实“三个代表”思想 加强党性锻炼

来源 :中国高校后勤研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:balonbalon
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高校后勤干部、党员在后勤社会化改革中肩负重任,必须努力提高马克思主义理论修养,加强党性锻炼。目前,要认真学习江泽民“三个代表”思想,把“三个代表”作为行动指南,前进动力,严格用“三个代表”的重要思想要求自己武装自己。主要应从五个方面加强锻炼:一、以经济建设为中心,把解放和发展生产力作为制定及实施后勤社会化改革的出发点和落脚点。后勤工作管钱管物管“家”,自始至终是经济工作。高校后勤工作为师生员工提供吃住行,是教学、 The logistic cadres and party members in colleges and universities shoulder the heavy responsibility in the socialization reform of logistics. We must strive to improve the training of Marxist theory and strengthen the training of the party spirit. At present, we must conscientiously study Jiang Zemin’s thinking on the “three represents,” take “three represents as a guide for action and impetus for progress, and strictly require ourselves to arm ourselves with the important thinking of the” three represents. “ Mainly from five aspects to strengthen training: First, take economic construction as the center, the liberation and development of productive forces as the formulation and implementation of logistics socialization reform starting point and the foothold. Money management work logistics management ”home", from beginning to end is an economic work. College logistics work for teachers and students to provide food and housing line, is teaching,
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7月29日至31日,由青岛凤凰岛(金沙滩)文化旅游节组委会、山东省新闻摄影学会联合主办,青岛黄岛区会展办公室承办的2016第二届青岛西海岸新区摄影节在青岛西海岸新区成功启动。作为本届文旅节的首发版块活动,摄影节的成功举办正式开启了2016中国·青岛凤凰岛(金沙滩)文化旅游节的序幕。  本次采风活动以“聚焦青岛西海岸新区——记者眼中的黄岛”为主题,特邀新华社、《大众日报》、《齐鲁晚报》、《山东画报》
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