石狮——立足改革 强化刑侦

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石狮是福建沿海新兴的小城市,人称“小香港”。随着经济建设的迅速发展,石狮的刑事犯罪相当突出,刑事案件逐年递增,刑事大案发案数跃居全省各县、市、区的首位,严重暴力犯罪、流窜犯罪、团伙犯罪日趋严重。1989年,石狮成立市局,局党委针对刑事犯罪形势,从改革入手,加强刑侦工作,大大提高了侦察破案效能,年破案绝对数和全局百名干警破案数,均列全省各县、市、区的榜首。刑警队1992年荣获全省“刑侦工作创优”和“侦察破案”第一名。改革体制,增加警力为改变刑侦警力严重不足与担负日益繁重任务不相适应的状况,1993年7月经石狮市编委批准,改原来刑警队为刑警大队体制,系副局级机构。大队下设一个办公室和3个专业队,均为正股级机构。警力由建队前的32名增加至46名,刑警占全局干警总数的比例由原来的15%提高至22%。刑警大队成立后,提高了侦察破案能力,大队直接破获刑事案件912起,其中大案738起,分别占全局破案总数的69.4%和75.8%。 Shishi is a small coastal city of Fujian emerging, known as “Little Hong Kong ”. With the rapid development of economic construction, the criminal lions of Shishi are quite prominent. The number of criminal cases has been increasing year by year. The number of criminal cases has risen to the top of all counties, cities and districts in the province. The crimes of violent crimes, falsifying crimes and gang crimes have become increasingly serious . In 1989, Shishi set up the Municipal Bureau, Bureau Party Committee against the criminal situation, starting from the reform to strengthen the criminal investigation, greatly improving the effectiveness of reconnaissance and detection, the absolute number of cases a year and the overall number of cracked police officers are listed in the counties, cities, District top. Interpol team in 1992 won the province “criminal investigation work excellence ” and “reconnaissance detection ” first place. Reforming the system and increasing police force In order to change the serious shortage of criminal investigation forces and incapacity to meet the increasingly heavy tasks, the approval of the Editorial Board of Shishi City in July 1993 changed the former Interpol to be the system of Interpol Brigade and the deputy bureau-level organ. Brigade consists of an office and three professional teams, are the class level institutions. The police force increased from 32 in front of the construction team to 46, and the ratio of police officers to the total number of officers in the police in general increased from 15% to 22%. Interpol brigade was established, the reconnaissance and detection capabilities, the brigade directly cracked 912 criminal cases, of which 738 cases, respectively, accounting for 69.4% of the total number of cases and 75.8%.
In this paper, based on the porous media theory, the specific expressions of the total stress and the input work of unsaturated expansive soils with double poro
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有人说,中国最寂寞的地方是农村,而在农村最寂寞的人就是那些因为父母外出打工而被迫留守家乡的孩子。据有关方面2005年的统计数据显示, 全国15岁以下的留守儿童已有近一千万
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