Schwannoma in the hepatoduodenal ligament: A case report and literature review

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morenedu
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Schwannomas are mesenchymal neoplasms with low malignant potential that arise from Schwann cells. They can occur almost anywhere, although the most common locations are the head, neck and extremities. Primary benign schwannoma of the hepatoduodenal ligament is rare. To date, only three cases have been reported in the English literature. In the present study, we report a case of hepatoduodenal ligament schwannoma in a 43-year-old male, who was admitted to our hospital because of a abdominal mass found by physical examination. It was hard to determine the definitive location and diagnosis of the mass using ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. During laparotomy, the mass was found in the hepatoduodenal ligament and close to the cholecystic duct, so we resected the gallbladder and cholecystic duct along with the mass. The gross specimen revealed an 8.5 cm × 5.5 cm × 3.0 cm localized tumor. Microscopic examination showed that the tumor was mainly composed of spindle-shaped cells. Immunohistochemical staining showed a strong positive S-100 protein reaction. Finally, the lesion was diagnosed as a benign schwannoma in the hepatoduodenal ligament. However, one month later, the patient was readmitted to our hospital because of skin and sclera jaundice caused by common bile duct stenosis without common bile duct stone or tumor. The patient recovered well after implantation of a common bile duct stent under endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. He was followed up for a period of 17 mo, during which he was well with no complications. Schwannomas are mesenchymal neoplasms with low malignant potential that arise from Schwann cells. They are occur almost anywhere, although the most common locations are the head, neck and extremities. Primary benign schwannoma of the hepatoduodenal ligament is rare. To date, only three cases have been reported in the English literature. In the present study, we report a case of hepatoduodenal ligament schwannoma in a 43-year-old male, who was admitted to our hospital because of a abdominal mass found by physical examination. It was hard to determine the definitive location and diagnosis of the mass using ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. During laparotomy, the mass was found in the hepatoduodenal ligament and close to the cholecystic duct, so we resected the gallbladder and cholecystic duct along with the mass. gross specimen revealed an 8.5 cm × 5.5 cm × 3.0 cm localized tumor. Microscopic examination showed that the tumor was mainl The composed of spindle-shaped cells. Immunohistochemical staining showed a strong positive S-100 protein reaction. Finally, the lesion was diagnosed as a benign schwannoma in the hepatoduodenal ligament. However, one month later, the patient was readmitted to our hospital because of skin and sclera jaundice caused by common bile duct stenosis without common bile duct stone or tumor. The patient recovered well after implantation of a common bile duct stent under endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. He was followed up for a period of 17 mo, during which he was well with no complications.
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<正> 1 文学的美学的定义:范围和性质(a) 导言:美学的体验如果我们同意萨利·普鲁登特的观点,认为理性范畴的元始在形而上学中找到了它诗的表现的话,那么诗(一般文学创作)就成为一种包括着主观和客观关系的一个基本表述,因此诗是一种包罗一切的哲学。这种认识,充满着象风吹水面那样讨厌的易变性,以期逃避本体论的陈词滥调。远在心灵能够把握心灵本身体验的完整意义之前,韵律和形象就已经是强烈地吸引心灵的可变的价值承担者了。文学的美学试图以成熟的分析去阐明这种体验的本