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“亚洲天王”周杰伦最新专辑“十一月的萧邦”,周杰伦自己打理造型化做音乐诗人全新亮相,宣告华语音乐的浪漫古典时期来到……原本每年暑假发片的亚洲天王周杰伦,去年夏天并没有如同以往地发片,周杰伦解释,这不是缺席,而是希望音乐在制作上能够更加精细。去年迟了一点,但,感觉却也多了一 “Asian kings” Jay Chou’s latest album, “Chopin in November,” Jay Chou himself to do styling as a new poet of music appearance, the romantic classical era of Chinese music came ... ... The annual summer vacation film King of Asia Jay, last summer Instead of making films as usual, Jay Chou explains that it is not absent, but rather that music is more elaborate in making. It was a little late last year, but I felt one more
BACKGROUND: As an anti-oxidation agent, tea polyphe- nols may have the effect of anti-fibrosis. This study was de- signed to observe the effect of tea polypheno
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目的 :采用模拟病人法对上海市区一、二级医院门诊药物使用的影响因素进行调查。结果 :使用累计频率在80 %左右的药物中 ,治疗心绞痛的有 11种 (累计达 80 .6 9% ) ,治疗急性
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本文报告 1576例女性海洛因依赖者的调查结果 ,旨在分析其人口统计学特点 ,使用海洛因状况与吸毒有关的情况 ,并对女性吸毒特点 ,女性吸毒者在吸毒人群中的比例 ,吸毒背景与