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卫学字(2014)15号各省(区、市)卫生经济学会及分支机构、各医疗卫生机构及相关单位:根据学会2014年度工作计划,定于12月11日在北京召开中国卫生经济学会第十七次年会,现将有关事项通知如下:一、会议主要内容:本次会议主题为卫生改革发展与政府责任。高强会长将出席本次会议并作主题发言,拟邀请北京大学国家发展研究院李玲教授、卫生部卫生发展研究中心应亚珍教授就国内外不同医疗制度政府责任、公立医疗机构经济运行现状与挑战作专题报告。 Wei Xue Zi (2014) No. 15 The health economics associations, branches, medical and health institutions and relevant units of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities): According to the work plan of the Institute for 2014, it is scheduled to hold the first session of the China Health Economics Association Seventeen Annual Conferences, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I. Main Contents of the Meeting The theme of this meeting is the development of health reform and the government’s responsibility. High-strength president will attend the meeting and make a keynote speech. He plans to invite Professor Li Ling from National Institute of Development of Peking University and Professor Ying-Zhen Ying from the Health Development Research Center of Ministry of Health to discuss the government responsibilities of different medical systems at home and abroad, the current economic operation of public medical institutions And challenges for thematic reports.
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