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抗滴虫药甲硝唑在固态和溶液中均为光敏的。作者对六种甲硝唑缓冲水溶液的光降解进行色谱和光谱研究。使用系统1和 UV 检测器的 HPLC 法,对贮存18个月的溶液 A 和B 测定,观察最初的光降解以及光降解程度。经日光照射的溶液 A 与避光贮存的溶液 B,二者在280nm 和230nm 的消光系数显然不同。选用系统2和二极管阵列检测器的HPLC 法,对溶液 C~F 测定,研究降解的本质。经日光照射28个月的溶液 C,仅剩下少量的甲硝唑,降解物3和主要降解物4由于无色,在可见光区无吸收,而较小的降解物2在370nm 处显示一个长波长吸收带。日光照射39个月的溶液 D,其色层谱中已无甲硝唑和分解产物2的峰,而有包含缓冲剂的极性组分3和较大的无色分解产物4的峰。溶液 E 和溶液 F 的测定结果显示,含柠檬酸盐-磷酸盐缓冲剂(pH 5.0)的溶液 F,剩留的甲硝唑为 Anti-trichomonad metronidazole in the solid and solution are photosensitive. The authors investigated the photodegradation of six metronidazole buffered aqueous solutions by chromatography and spectroscopy. Solution A and B, stored for 18 months, were assayed by HPLC using System 1 and UV detector to observe the initial photodegradation and photodegradation. The solution of sunlight A and solution B stored in the dark, the two extinction coefficient at 280nm and 230nm is obviously different. The HPLC method of system 2 and diode array detector was used to determine the solution C ~ F and the nature of the degradation was studied. After 28 months of exposure to solution C, only a small amount of metronidazole, degradant 3, and major degradant 4 were left as colorless and did not absorb in the visible region while smaller degradant 2 showed a long at 370 nm Wavelength absorption band. Solution D, which had been exposed to sunlight for 39 months, had no peak of metronidazole and decomposition product 2 in the chromatogram, but had peaks of buffer component-containing polar component 3 and larger colorless decomposition product 4. The results of the measurement of solution E and solution F showed that in solution F containing citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 5.0), the remaining metronidazole was
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