Intergenerational Succession of Chinese Family Business: Identification and Authority

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Due to China’s social and cultural factors and the organizational factors of family business,the organizational identification of the employee members is replaced by leadership identification in Chinese family business.The leadership identification supports and enhances the leader’s authority and also maintains the stability and effectiveness of leadership.However,with respect to the sustained growth of family business,this type of identification and authority which are based on individual persons has its weakness and limits.When choosing the successor,both the smooth transition of succession and the transformation of identification and authority in family business should be considered. Due to China’s social and cultural factors of the enterprise business, the organizational identification of the employee members is replaced by the leadership identification in Chinese family business.The leadership identification supports and enhances the leader’s authority and also maintains the stability and effectiveness of leadership .However, with respect to the increased growth of family business, this type of identification and authority which are based on individual persons has its weakness and limits. When choosing the successor, both the smooth transition of succession and the transformation of identification and authority in Family business should be considered.
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